Forum Role: Participant
Active Since: July 29, 2020
Topics Started: 0
Replies Created: 1

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  • Felix
    One of the birds I picked in the Wall of Birds was the Oilbird. Where I come from,Venezuela, they are called Guácharo and are an important part of our nature culture (there is even a Guácharo monument!)  The Guácharo Cave, considered the largest in Venezuela, is located in the Guácharo National Park. It was explored by Alexander von Humboldt in 1799. I am attaching a picture of the cave's entrance and of the monument. CaveMonument   I now live in Lima, Peru, another great place to watch birds, however this is my first ever experience in bird watching. I took a stroll in a park near where I live in Lima and saw three birds that I managed to identify (I think) with the help of the Melin App: a group of Saffron Finches, two Long-Tailed Mockingbird, and a Vermilion Flycatcher. The Vermilion Flycatcher and the Blue-grey Tanager are my favorite birds. Although, I haven't seen Blue-grey Tanagers lately.
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