I explored the Wall of Birds and immediately found one of my backyard favorites, the northern cardinal. Over 45 years ago I noticed a flock of male cardinals around a crabapple tree in my backyard as I watched from my kitchen window. Next day I placed hung a bird feeder from a branch of that tree and filled it with sunflower seeds. The cardinals found it and became regular visitors. I saw as many as 40 at a time in the late afternoon. That event made me become a birdwatcher. Over the years I have known many cardinal couples who have come to my feeders. I have noticed that if the female is around there is usually a male guarding her and discouraging other males from approaching. Several years ago I witnessed a sad event in my yard. In the late afternoon a female cardinal hit a picture window (despite the reflectors that hang from the inside of that window). Sadly she was dead instantly. He partner came looking for her and stayed with her, chirping and hopping around her body until the there was almost no light left. My husband and I were so sad to see his distress. It may seem silly but next morning we buried her in one of our flower beds.