I live in Little Rock, Arkansas and this time of year I have some beautiful visitors passing through - rose breasted grosbeaks and Baltimore Orioles. Right now I also have Indigo Buntings on my feeders. But on the Interactive Map, I voted for the Blue Footed Booby because I visited the Gallpagos 3 years ago and was enchanted by these creatures. Because everything is protected, they have no fear of you and carry on their normal activities within a few feet of visitors. One day I witnessed 2 males vying for the affections of one female. They flapped their bright blue feet and danced around her as she observed them, sometimes seeming quite aloof as though neither was of interest to her. Then, unexpectedly, she walked over to one of the males and flapped her differently shaded blue feet at him and off they walked together. They walked in my direction and the rest of the mating game took place right at my own feet. The male demonstrated his great nesting ability by sweeping an area clear as though building her a nest. She must have really like it because she walked up to him and draped her neck over his. It was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.