I am an English teacher who taught Henry David Thoreau's works for years. I started nature writing during that time. This past summer, I was inspired to keep a journal because I took trips to Nova Scotia and the Galapagos and wanted to keep notes of these adventures. I also spend a lot of time on Cape Cod during the summer. I tried to include drawings in my journal but found it never looked how I wanted it to, so I stuck to writing. This course popped up the other day after I had asked someone about taking beginner art lessons, and I thought it was a sign.
I was inspired and a bit intimidated by the drawings of the woman who used boxes on her pages to create her pictures and then write her observations around the boxes. I liked the looks of the boxes and felt like I could make some small pictures to start with. But I liked everyone’s journals, and I’m excited to add images and colors to accompany my writing. I wish this class had popped up a year ago.