[Cicadas buzzing] [A pair of banded kingfishers perches on a branch. The male has a cicada in his beak. They both raise and lower their head feathers several times. He presents the cicada to the female. The female takes the cicada, holds it in her beak, then eventually eats it. They both raise and lower their head feathers several additional times.] [Explore Macaulaylibrary.org]
End of transcriptBanded Kingfisher Gives Nuptial Gift
When courting a mate, males of some species, such as Banded Kingfishers, bring females a gift such as food. These offerings, known as “nuptial gifts,” can form or strengthen pair bonds by indicating a male’s ability to provide for future offspring.
This video accompanies Chapter 9, Avian Mating and Social Behavior, Handbook of Bird Biology, 3rd Edition from the Cornell Lab of Ornithology and Wiley Publishing.
Recorded by Justin M Hite, Macaulay Library