The Cornell Lab Bird Academy Discussion Groups Joy of Birdwatching Activities: Different Seasons, Different Birds

    • Carol
      Chirps: 1
      Being a beginning birder I don’t know species names so it is difficult to use ebirder quickly.Or maybe there is a trick to accessing common names to do a search.Thanks for any advice. Carol
      • Julian
        Chirps: 11
        Using eBird would be a loss for me without also using my Merlin BirdID app! I am new to bird watching, so before I go out I use Merlin to predict what birds I might see. It helped me today when I saw Harris's Sparrow. I knew it was a sparrow, but it had an "oil spill" on its face and neck that the House Sparrow doesn't have. Because I studied the birds in advance, it really helped me out! Then I was able to match that bird with the birdsong I had been hearing.
      • Cathy
        Chirps: 45
        Hi Carol:  I like Merlin too, and the explore birds option.  I also have a trusty field guide which I bought years ago.  It has lots of color pictures and it organizes birds by general category.  My book is rather old.  I remember wondering if I should buy it and am so glad I did!  There are many paper guides, I imagine, but mine is called "A Guide to Field Identification:  Birds of North America" by Golden Press publishers. The Cornell Lab also has alot of information about birds on it's website. I've always enjoyed watching birds but am really learning alot in this class. Good luck.