• Gess
      Chirps: 2
      The Prothonotary Warbler was my favorite bird on the Wall of Birds. It lives in New England and its named after the bright yellow robes of papal clerks (prothonotaries) in the Roman Catholic Church. I like it's colors and its pastoral song.
    • Elizabeth
      Chirps: 2
      I love Great Blue Herons.  I love how graceful they are in flight, with their long legs trailing them.  I love their grating squawk, which makes it easy to see a bird/dinosaur connection.  I love their ability to stand still and observe — something I could definitely work on.  Although I usually see them “at work” in the water, on two occasions recently, I saw one “at rest.”  The second picture, where the bird looks hunkered down, well, it probably was because it was a miserable day, cold, overcast, and bone-chillingly humid.   0EBF0814-E4DB-406F-AED4-7F524316019F39F8B8CE-2228-4727-9923-AB8B4E2D8CB9
      • Michael
        Chirps: 2
        I’ve only seen one once at a conservation park near Toronto someone actually had to point the bird out to me because I had not realized it was sitting there. It blended so well with the surroundings. I took a couple of pictures. I started birding last year after an encounter with a red wing blackbird A55B73F3-92B9-4D66-B47A-A7A4C7D3D9BA9640E91D-504D-49CD-A854-2AA3DD26C14A
      • Anita
        Chirps: 1
        We used to love seeing them during nesting season at Marymoor Park in Redmond, WA. So many all congregated together, and just before the young are ready to fledge, the noise is astounding!
    • Miki
      Chirps: 1
      My favourite bird from the wall of birds was cormorant, just because we saw a group of them bickering when hiking in Belgium a few weeks ago. They were very striking in terms of their size and communication high up on trees. There was definitely some kind of bickering going on! My favourite bird from my neighbourhood is goldfinch. They are part of the finch family (Fringillidae Family). Hopefully, they come back before not too long, after spending winter in Spain or somewhere warm.
    • Brenda
      Chirps: 10
      20230114_120007 Ironically, I've just spent the morning journaling and sketching the birds on my deck. So far, a single white-breasted nuthatch, a pair of dark-eyed juncos - which I just learned in the previous lesson are actually sparrows - three types of woodpeckers (Hairy, Downy (I think), and Red-Bellied), and a pair of cardinals - which I just learned in the previous lessons are finches! What an exciting morning :D
    • Carol
      Chirps: 4
      My favorite from the Wall of Birds - Great Blue Heron. We will see them in NH in the warmer weather. They are truly spectacular! Their nests are huge, too. I am also a fan of woodpeckers, especially the pileated woodpeckers. We have them in my backyard in NH. They are amazing to watch
    • Claire
      Chirps: 10
      Long-tailed duck Toronto I am really enjoying this course so far, and am wowed by all the backyard birds people are sharing - fun to see so many birds I don't see (or for some, just haven't noticed yet!) where I live. I went for a walk with my new binoculars last weekend and saw these visiting long-tailed ducks. I ended up using iNaturalist to confirm the ID; Merlin couldn't place them despite some good sound recordings, maybe because they are not usually found in this area? They had beautiful long tails - a treat to see!
    • Susan
      Chirps: 1
      I bought a pair of lightweight binoculars last year, and it has been thrilling for me to discover how beautiful birds are when I can see them in the detail the binoculars provide. I bought a pair for one of my daughters for her birthday, and I am happy to have her as a birding buddy! This first week of the new year, I downloaded the Merlin app and had fun with it, and I ended up going on a birding walk almost every day and identifying some birds. I feel like a "bird nerd," now, and I am happy with that! I have been happy to discover so many different kinds of ducks - favorite of the week - Hooded Merganser. I also never knew how pretty sparrows are. I enjoyed spotting them in the scrubby, brush areas . Two other new birds for me to discover this week were the Spotted Towhee and Townsend's Solitaire.
    • John
      Chirps: 1
      snow bunting It's cold and snowy here in Minnesota at present, and so I find myself wondering about what birds live north of here. Snow Buntings are apparently the most northerly passerine in the world.
    • Ethan
      Chirps: 1
      Today on my daily walk I saw a black capped chickadee of the songbird group, a cormorant of the seabird group, and a downy woodpecker of the woodpecker group. Really nice to be able to categorize these birds even if I don’t have the taxonomical knowledge of bird families and orders.   I found it interesting that brown creepers and nut hatches are in their own group, as I see both regularly. That must be one of these categorizations with the fewest members.
    • Dayna
      Chirps: 2
      IMG_1289IMG_0720IMG_9840 Have been feeding hummingbirds for several years and recently decided to put up bird feeders, to get me through the winter months when the hummingbirds are away. Have enjoyed it so much that I plan on keeping up feeders year around. Watching birds is so relaxing and brings me so much joy. Am so happy I found Bird Academy so I can learn more about my feathered friends.
      • These are so adorable! Think I'll have to get myself a feeder cam!
      • Madeleine
        Chirps: 3
        How wonderful! I don't think I see these birds around my parts! Would you mind sharing where you are?
    • Big Al
      Chirps: 9
      • These images were taken in Punta Gorda, Fla., during my recent visit there. This pair of Sandhill Cranes were in my daughter's backyard. The other is an unknown bird, but someone here surely will identify it. It was near Fisherman's Village on the waterfront in Punta Gorda.
      • L1000891 (1)L1000892L1160220
      • Madeleine
        Chirps: 3
        Wow! Cool! They're so tall!
    • Tricia
      Chirps: 8
      These are two birds at my feeder after a big snow this morning.  As far as I can tell we have sparrows, finches, doves, and juncos.  Here are two pictures taken with my iphone via new monarch binoculars I got for Christmas.IMG-2004sparrow
    • Valerie
      Chirps: 2
      I've been interested in birds for a few years now, photographing birds at my feeders and in local parks, and always participating in the Great Backyard Bird Count.  I'm interested in learning more about the science of birds and tips for more adventurous birding. This past week was especially cold and we had different birds at the feeder, including the pictured Yellow-rumped Warbler and other winter birds. DSC_0023
    • Susan
      Chirps: 2
      I am brand new to bird watching. I have a feeder about 10 feet away from my couch, through a glass door. I can watch birds with binoculars. It's great.   I have a pinecone stuffed with peanut butter and black oil sunflower seeds hanging on the railing of my porch that i can see. Also a block of suet in a holder.   Small gray birds come in groups of 10-12 or more to feed on the pinecone. They seem to love peanut butter.   I see other kinds of birds sometimes. One with a bright yellow helmet and chest. Wow! Today I saw a woodpecker pecking at the suet. I looked him up in a guide.   Other birds seem nondescript. Beige chests and gray feathers. Short beaks.   Any suggestions for me?
    • QC9A5735aQC9A5764aQC9A5524a These are a few of the birds I see in my neighborhood. My favorite is the white throated sparrow. I love the splash of yellow near the eyes. We are fortunate to have a few resident raptors though I can not tell the different between a red shouldered hawk and a red tail hawk but that's a different course. My latest fascination is with Northern flickers. You can't see it in the image provided but they have stunning yellow feathers under their tails.
      • Tricia
        Chirps: 8
        I have a northern flicker who comes to our feeder early in the morning.  Likes peanuts it seems.  It hangs on the edge and pecks into the food.  Then is gone after a couple of feedings.
    • Annie
      Chirps: 1
      20221216_15294220221216_152859 I saw a Roadrunner on my walk the other day, I was interested to learn in my reading in this course that the reason they fluff up like this is to warm themselves.
      • Madeleine
        Chirps: 3
        Yes! That was a fun fact! They really blend in with the landscape, don't they?!
    • Kurt
      Chirps: 29
      I live in a suburban subdivision west of Phoenix. In my backyard I will often see mourning doves or rock pigeons perched on the wall. I've also encountered woodpeckers pecking at the side of my house. Raptors and Owls are rarer, but still appear (or are heard) from time to time. I am excited to learn more about the birds of my area, as well as all the other fascinating bird species of the world! Here is a family(?) of doves, what appear to be three juveniles and two adults, eating on my patio. Dove Family
    • Tim
      Chirps: 4
      by_goldfinchA male American goldfinch above my backyard bird feeder in Maryland.  Like everyone else, they love the sunflower chips.
      • Susan
        Chirps: 2
        I see one like this in the Willamette Valley in Oregon. Near some woods. Comes to my feeder occasionally.
      • Tricia
        Chirps: 8
        in summer I have these in Black Forest near Colorado Springs.
    • Janice
      Chirps: 1
      4D765CE2-3BEB-444F-933C-A7E52F779E7FWood duck at Beaver Lake in Stanley Park, Vancouver, Canada. Stanley Park is an urban park that’s a fabulous place for bird watching. I’m especially happy the days when I spot one of these colorful ducks.
      • Heather
        Chirps: 1
        Fantastic photo! I love it when I find one of those, too.
    • Marisel
      Chirps: 5
      great course! I love the wall of birds, specially those extinct birds in the left of the wall where I confirmed how diverse these animals are even today. I loved so much when I saw the three-wattled bellbird in the wall, because a couple months ago I saw that bird in a beach trip at Isla Colon in Bocas del Toro (Panama) with a group of friends, and that’s probably the moment I thought of birdwatching as a hobby. I bought binoculars and a book of birds around Panama City. My boyfriend and I enjoy it so much. Last week we went to Cerro Ancon for birdwathcing with my brother as well, and we were lucky/surprised because there are a lot of species in such a small piece of nature in the city. The toucan in this picture was one of the wonders we saw that day. 96389ADE-11EE-460C-BACA-AA9B9B4DE950
    • Jacqueline
      Chirps: 1
      i have a Mexican eagle or cara cara that sits on the high power lines near my neighborhood.  I love their bluish beaks and their majestic posture.  8AF6A55F-9182-4ED6-8A4A-CB47A98F29B0
    • Liz
      Chirps: 1
      I wish I were as good at photographing birds as some of you are! I'm amazed at how many different birds we have identified just in our small yard and how much they can change from season to season (yes, even in San Diego, CA, where many people will tell you that we don't really experience seasons!) I've seen hawks, orioles, wrens, warblers, hummingbirds, crows, sparrows, and owls.
    • Becky
      Chirps: 1
      Gilbert's Whistler 2
    • Ruth
      Chirps: 1
      1. The interactive wall is amazing. I especially like reading about the extinct birds.  I live in Canada and don't see many birds in my region on the map. 2.      a.) Woodpeckers - we get the Downy, and the Hairy coming to our backyard.  I hang a homemade bird cake in our Schubert Chokecherry tree every winter.  I've only seen the Pileated  Woodpecker in our local Provincial Park. b.) Blue Jays - I hang a peanut ring in the same tree each winter. c.)  Chickadees - Black-capped chickadee.  They are everywhere, summer and winter.  Would the chickadee belong to the subgroup Finches and Buntings OR Tree creepers? Cant say as I have seen them climbing on the trunks of trees.  May have answered my own question. 3.  Chickadees are my favorite.  They seem so happy and cheerful as indicated by their singing.    I do love the Raptors but we don't see them in the winter. These are three birds I see in the winter, along with magpies and Ravens. I live in Vermilion, Alberta Canada.   If I  was taking this course in the summer my answers would have been different.
    • Nicole
      Chirps: 2
      Hello again, i just posted the cormorants for my activity 2+3… here are two more species I’ve seen recently (to make up three different species) this time in my backyard in Maryland. I must say I am partial to the raptors - so impressive, beautiful and powerful. And the colors of the red bellied woodpecker, such industrious hard workers. N 744B3C85-025E-4E6E-8538-B60D72E3C0FABAF1CBA2-1D38-478B-9A85-EA1BDA62ED27