• Big Al
      Chirps: 9
      • DSCN8928
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    • I've had house finches and house sparrows at my sunflower seed feeder and on a rare occasion 2-3 goldfinches.  I switch to thistle seed to deter the sparrows (which worked instantly).  After a couple weeks of house finches only, the 3 goldfinches showed up.  Next day about 20 goldfinches!  Since my house finches have backed off some and I can't always count how many goldfinches, with one count being 21.  What happened?  Where did they all come from?  I've never seen any before this winter.
    • Big Al
      Chirps: 9
      This is my first post here, on 12.21.2022. I'm new to the course. Recently, I have noticed more birds around the feeder. I have no idea what this one is. In another photo, it almost looks like a female Northern Cardinal, but I doubt it. Another bird I saw today for the first time was a Tufted Titmouse, according to the Merlin app. It's that time of year when feeders attract assorted birds. My late wife loved to watch them, and I love snapping their photos.
      • Elizabeth
        Bird Academy
        You are correct—this is a female Northern Cardinal. Have you tried the Photo ID option in the Merlin app? With a photo as good as this, it would steer you in the right direction. Enjoy the course and happy birding!