The Cornell Lab Bird Academy › Discussion Groups › Art and Photography › Beginning my Photography Adventure
I am a quite experienced young birder, with about 6 or so years of bird watching experience behind me. I am not able to get a super expensive camera or camera lense, but I am thinking of investing in a spotting scope with a digiscoping attachment. For now, I am digiscoping through binoculars, which is more difficult because it is less steady. I recently went birdwatching at one of our best local hotspots, and got some decent pictures of some Great Blue Herons, which were common and widespread along the shore, but very easy to photographYou must be logged in to reply to this topic.
Have you looked into used cameras? You can get a decent dslr and telephoto lens for about as much as a good scope, and you don't need a tripod, and you can follow moving subjects.
Great pics! To improve your photography skills, try taking Bird Academy's Course: Bird Photography with Melissa Groo
Hello, a fellow very young birder here! thank you for the tips, as i have only a digital camera. beautiful images.
Wow neat! I live in upstate NY and am a younger birder too! Its very later to be seeing them and this year I got a GBH Right on Jan. 2 Which is Really late! Its neat to see a GBH in snow.