The Cornell Lab Bird Academy Discussion Groups How to Paint Birds with Jane Kim Can the acrylic paints be purchased as a set? Water brush Q too!

    • Susan
      Chirps: 5
      Since there is no link to purchasing the acrylic paints, has anyone discovered that these colors can be purchased as a set?   If so, where did you find them?   Does anyone know whether the water brushes (for acrylic painting) the same product as water brushes for watercolor?
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    • There were some that were in a set but they are no longer in a set. We will be updating the supply list later this month. You can still buy all the required paint colors individually. They are found not only in some local paint/art supply shops but also online at retailers such as D i c k Blick and Michaels. Make sure the paint you are buying is Golden Fluid Acrylics paint as specified in the supply list for the course. Again we will be updating that list soon to remove the "set" and show that the paints can be purchased separately.