The Cornell Lab Bird Academy › Discussion Groups › Birding Tips › Can you tell me some tips ? Thanks!
I want to observe some small finches, but they are usually afraid of people. No matter how carefully and slowly I use the camera to shoot them. they will fly away at the first time after they find me. How should I observe and photograph them? Or how do you watch them? thanks a lot! :)You must be logged in to reply to this topic.
I also would like to know tips for bird finding. I hear there are places where you can get black capped chickadees to eat out of your hand. Any places you recommend for that type of thing?
Try setting up a Candid Camera.
Put out feeders in your backyard and a lot of finches will come especially house finches
Yes. Thistle seed or sunflower seed feeders. I get house finches and golden finches. House finches are much more tolerant and fun to watch.
@Donita What kind of behavior do they have that is fun to watch?
@Kaiah When sitting out on the patio reading, they will come to the feeders about 10 ft away from me. The goldfinches scatter off and don't come back when I'm outside and leave in the spring when they get their full colors in. House finches are year rounders. Also I had a house finch sleeping on the feeder one morning. I thought he might have been sick but when I got about a foot away he woke up and flew off! I like the variety of colors of the males, from yellow to bright red, and how much color they have as they age.
@Donita Thanks for the info! I will try to use this if I am looking for finches, though I don’t have a bird feeder in my yard yet, but maybe I will build one someday. Thanks again!