• Donna
      Chirps: 34
      I used my dog this afternoon, this is hard to do but fun in effort and challenging my observation skills.image
      • Paul
        Chirps: 10
        I draw my dog too! Sometimes he doesn't move for an hour making it pretty easy.
    • Montecito
      Chirps: 22
      It helped me identifying quickly the basic shapes of the animals (foxes) and details like the head shape, ears, but just the shapes. that way I draw just the basics like the triangle of the face and ears. Also i could see the straightness of the front legs and the size of the tail. It was hard to draw them because they moved so fast. The duck was more easy for me. IMG_4587 IMG_4588
    • Christina
      Chirps: 19
      IMG_6187 Challenging! 30 seconds to draw an - Elk? - but wow, loads of fun! Then trying to capture the pintail making all those elegant preening motions! Had to force myself away from drawing what I know and drawing what I see.. I think this is almost like stop-action photography and captures the life, the movement of a bird or animal, with such simple lines... thought I'd share my scribbles to encourage others - if I can do it, anybody can do it!
    • Christina
      Chirps: 19