The Cornell Lab Bird Academy Discussion Groups Bird Identification Deseo identificar estas dos aves, no las he podido ubicar

      Chirps: 5
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    • Sandra
      Chirps: 8
      This looks like it could be a species in the Funariid family, maybe a spinetail. It could be one of several species, and not knowing the location makes it much more difficult. If it is a spinetail, and if it was seen in northern South America, then my guess would be either Azara's Spinetail or Rusty-backed Spinetail. Neither of these is a perfect fit though, so those are more guesses than pronouncements.
    • CHLOE
      Chirps: 16
      i think the first one is a grey pileated Finch grey but i have no idea about the other one- it looks like a finch though