The Cornell Lab Bird Academy › Discussion Groups › How to Paint Birds with Jane Kim › Draw: Northern Cardinal Feather Groups
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I am thrilled to learn all the feather groups! I love birds! It's easier to get the proportions when I work on an easel at an angle.
I love the cat cameo in your picture :) looks great!
This is my Northern Cardinal in my sketch book.
I copied your drawing using a grid and then edited it as I watched the video. It's a challenge to learn the feather groups!
This is my northern cardinal. I am pretty happy with it, and I didn’t have to make a lot of edits. I find this class pretty helpful. I am only 11 years old, so I am excited to see what my works look like in the future!
Wow, Kaiah! You draw well for eleven, or for any age really. Keep up the good work!
Cute! I love how you labeled all of the feather groups!
Like working in this very scientific fashion.
The anticipation has progressed. I can't wait to see this guy in colour.
This guy already has personality. I look forward to seeing it in color too!
That’s pretty good! It looks a lot like mine!
Diana, why do you have two different dates/years on your drawing. Did you go back a year later and edit? I'm also taking a while to complete my bird, but I can see progress!
@Suzanne Hello Suzanne, I have two different dates, August 4th and August 8th, 2023 (the same month and year), because I didn't finish my drawing on the first day. Sometimes I take a lot more time to improve my drawings and I add the date of the days when I modified them. Thank you very much for your comment.
@DIANA My mistake--I thought one date read 2022 and the next 2023. I also go back and touch up multiple times. After the first round of sketching, I often place my sketchpad where I can see the sketch from a distance throughout the day (or week), and from this new perspective, see changes to make.
I found that looking at my sketch from a distance helped me recognize some flaws in proportion. Looking at photos of my sketches helped. Even after posting I see my bird's body is too short!
And maybe fix the crest too. Other than that, it’s pretty good! 😊
This is a different technique than I usually use. Don't know if better but different!
I like how puffy the nape is
I managed to scrunch up the paper in erasing some lines. Should've picked a thicker paper for this exercise - but, hey, it is just practice =)
I am currently working digitally in procreate on ipad version 5.3.3. But keeping true to the process as much as possible
Doing mine digitally on Photoshop. Same as you trying to stay true to the process as much as I can. I'm excited to get to the painting.
I use procreate too, but not for this. It’s a smart idea!