The Cornell Lab Bird Academy Discussion Groups Nature Journaling and Field Sketching Drawing What You See – Upside Down Drawing

    • Arti
      Chirps: 1
      20220507_153149Drawing upside down was difficult. It took a while to remember to keep the proportions while drawing
    • Cecilia Louise
      Chirps: 13
      Upside-down drawing was pretty easy. It took me a little while at the beginning to stop thinking about it as a bird and just as a shape with lines in the middle, but once I got over that yes, it was lots of fun. It's easier, I find, to get things in accurate proportions when you're focusing on it as a mere shape rather than as a bird. IMG_20220505_111321
    • Natalija
      Chirps: 16
      The upside-down drawing was easy and a lot of fun. I was pleasantly surprised at how thinking about the individual shapes and not the big picture made the drawing process more relaxing. upside down exercise
    • TJ
      Chirps: 7
      Fun exercise. Keeping track of each shape was tricky, especially in the breast feathers. I was viewing as a collection of shapes and lines, it was too awkward to view as a whole bird. I was surprised by the accuracy when I turned it upright after I was finished. 7A175AAE-59D5-4BDB-BC24-6C38922D40DF_1_201_a
    • Kayla
      Chirps: 19
      IMG-7185IMG-7186 Upside down drawing was difficult. I was able to view the sections as shapes, but there were definitely times where I viewed things as part of a bird rather than  a shape. The patterns on the breast and belly were particularly difficult, but when I flipped it over I felt better about it. The only parts that really bother me are that the head feels a bit too small, and the left leg is too long.
    • Olivia
      Chirps: 17
      It was fun but more difficult than I thought at first. Usually I start drawing or I take as a guide from top (head) to bottom (rest of the body), until the drawing is complete, and curious but for the exercise, I needed to do in the same way so I started draw in the opposite direction, bottom (h.) to top (r.o.b) / In combination I could see what bird is, and then, looking for different shapes, lines, etc (and getting to fly my imagination of course) I found yes, something else, but it´s easy to find it if you roll your eyes (it's a little trick) that I shade to emphasise. dia18febrero
    • Christine
      Chirps: 9
    • Christine
      Chirps: 9
    • Ria
      Chirps: 22
      RVK_SongSparrowUpsideDownRVK_SongSparrowUpright I also surprised myself! It was more difficult than I expected it to be, really required me to slow down, and challenged my concentration and perception. There were times I got lost and had to regroup. That being said, I think the accuracy is well worth the effort!
    • Anastasis
      Chirps: 10
      It was fun and I was surprised by the final outcome. WhatsApp Image 2021-12-09 at 19.20.24
    • Nancy
      Chirps: 16
      This lesson was fun.  Especially when it was time to turn the bird right side up and see how the drawing turned out.  The body of the bird was the most challenging.  I was pretty absorbed in this lesson.  AD5F9D39-E731-4977-A83B-133E913BFAD5
    • Katherine
      Chirps: 2
      Upsidedownsketch10_24_21 I definitely had to slow down and concentrate.  This was one of the best drawing exercises I've ever down.
    • Beth
      Chirps: 15
      For whatever reason I lost my patience with the slow methodical method less than a minute in so just did a quick copy and really enjoyed it. He probably wouldn't have hawk talons if I'd gone a bit slower...!IMG_3027
    • Jacqueline
      Chirps: 14
      The activity drawing upside down was both difficult and fun. It most definitely required slow short strokes and frequent looking at the picture as I attempted the assignment. It was a lot to incorporate proportion and negative space while drawing some of the more complicated and intricate parts of the bird and stock.It did take some time and erasing as I went along.979D8A0F-41A2-43D6-906E-B921B799A916
    • Christine
      Chirps: 10
      Song Sparrow
      • Christine
        Chirps: 10
        I think I should have all my subject upside down!  Really enjoyed this technique.
    • Robin
      Chirps: 8
      I was really surprised how well mine turned out. I have to admit, I got a little frustrated with the fiddly chest markings and kind of winged it (no pun intended), but everything else I strove to do by observing the shapes, negative space, relationship of the shapes, etc. and it worked! I also used the proportion tricks taught in a previous lesson. IMG_3421
    • Marc
      Chirps: 16
      I enjoyed this assignment as it felt counter intuitive to draw upside down, in fact it caused me to draw slower. I for a lot of it drew without looking at my drawing to help my self see more details and I was pleased with the outcome! When I started drawing it started as a collective of shapes that became more and once it did it was very rewarding.4641D613-A68C-418C-B1BF-A05123C0F82A034CCC2F-CF82-414D-BFF0-8FFAF6CE8D55
    • Sara
      Chirps: 6
      bird upside downI had a heck of a time with the negative space drawing - gave up.   However, I did use the proportion info when doing this one upside down.   It didn't look great upside down but right side up = OK.   Maybe I'll try the negative drawing using the proportion idea.   The feet really surprised me.
    • Esteban
      Chirps: 170
      My sparrow.20210825_141216-01
    • V L
      Chirps: 10
      Upside Down drawing I was amazed at how accurate my drawing turned out.  It was fun, but several times I felt like I was getting lost.  I tried to keep myself from viewing it as a bird and kept going back to just drawing the shapes.
    • E
      Chirps: 5
      It was both fun, with some difficult parts, especially when lots of lines and shapes came together.  The upside-down drawing definitely helped with abstracting the relationships between the shapes, rather than drawing from preconceived ideas of what the subject should look like. 21B1E4D5-53A5-47B6-919F-FC7F7EEB8D78
    • Kathleen
      Chirps: 74
      Upside down drawing was fun. This was my first time drawing with a mechanical pencil. IMG_20210810_174850
    • Deborah
      Chirps: 4
      IMG-6937This was a fun exercise.  When I look at all the Song Sparrows we all drew, I enjoyed the fact that each has its own character and personality.
    • Suzanne
      Chirps: 22
      Like Dorothy below, the chest markings confused me, but they ended up giving the bird some depth. I also didn't trust the length of the tail or the shape of the eye, but those turned out about right too. I used negative space often to help place the line. This exercise enlightened me!IMG_6822
    • Dorothy D
      Chirps: 21
      I found the chest pattern markings the hardest to focus on as without the dark and light contrast,I kept getting lost in the pattern. I do think this is a good exercise for proportion help.Scan Jul 23, 2021 at 7.13 AM
      • Suzanne
        Chirps: 22
        I'm with you, Dorothy, on confusing the chest markings!