The Cornell Lab Bird Academy Discussion Groups Bird Identification Entering a bird image into Merlin

    • Dale
      Chirps: 5
      I have hundreds of bird images on my Adobe Lightroom Library.  There seems to be no way for me to use these photos to enter them into Merlin for identification.  Yes I know that I can take a screen shot with my iPhone but that is cumbersome and very time consuming.  With all the technology currently available it seems that Cornell should be able to produce an app that would make it easier for birder wannabes to use Merlin. I have exhausted the internet, YouTube, etc. looking for help.  To no avail. Any insight would be greatly appreciated.   Thanks,  Dale
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    • Esteban
      Chirps: 170
      You could substitute Merlin with Seek from iNaturalist or just use Google Lens to identify all your photos.