The Cornell Lab Bird Academy Discussion Groups Bird Identification Eyüpsultan Tringa solitary 17 june 2023

    • Salih
      Chirps: 36
      similar to the green whistleblower but wags its tail nonstop The other feature is less speckled and one wing is black and its legs are similar to a forest whistle and the beak is green leg and longer than a forest whistle and the tail tip has 2 black spots . It has a brown back.IMG_20230619_172942_624IMG_20230619_172831_685IMG_20230617_150017_996IMG_20230616_224801_308IMG_20230616_224254_098 brunette whistleblower There is a reddish or blackish spot near the beak and eyes. Long yellow legs from the green whistleblower. There are two distinctly outer tail tips. Brighter white spot. There is an indistinct white eyebrow.Eyüpsultan estanbul In shallow water, there is both a strait and a gulf.. Tringa solitary bird.similar to the green whistleblower but wags its tail nonstop The other feature is less speckled and one wing is black and its legs are similar to a forest whistle and the beak is green leg and longer than a forest whistle and the tail tip has 2 black spots . It has a brown back. brunette whistleblower There is a reddish or blackish spot near the beak and eyes. Long yellow legs from the green whistleblower. There are two distinctly outer tail tips. Brighter white spot. There is an indistinct white eyebrow.Eyüpsultan estanbul In shallow water, there is both a strait and a gulf.. Tringa solitary bird. The bird wagged its tail for 4 hours nonstop. It is more fit than the green whistleblower.  
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