The Cornell Lab Bird Academy Discussion Groups Community Forum How Was Your October Big Day?

    • Frankie
      Chirps: 99
      Hi Everybody! I would like to know how everyone’s October Big Day went! What was your species and checklist count, and what were some of your highlights. I submitted 7 checklists and got 60 species. I birder just in my neighborhood, and saw a green-winged teal flyover, 2 massive warbler stopovers with a couple rarities, and a bunch of woodpeckers and sparrows! How about everyone else? Happy Birding!
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    • Esteban
      Chirps: 170
      This year I could not submit anything.
      • Sarah
        Chirps: 50
        Why not? I attempted birding, but I got the date wrong XD
    • Sarah
      Chirps: 50
      I didn't participate in October Big Day last year, but I definitely will this year!
    • Esteban
      Chirps: 170
      I do not remember very well, but I did well. How did you do on the Global Big Day 2021?