The Cornell Lab Bird Academy Discussion Groups Art and Photography I need some tips for my photography skills

    • Matthew
      Chirps: 8
      1000047-edit-20220416222015 I need some tips on how I can improve my photography and editing skills.
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    • david
      Chirps: 30
      Use manual mode, and research the iso-aperture-shutter speed relationships (eg; high iso means more depth of field and greater light sensitivity, but more grainyness to fine details.) preset your settings when you get to a venue. I use auto iso, modern cameras can do well at high isos. All modern cameras allow you to switch these setting on the fly as needed. Focusing is a whole other animal. Just take shots using all of your camera's AF modes and find out how each AF mode performs, especially with moving subjects. Happy hunting!
    • Herbert
      Chirps: 1
      Tipps zur Vogelfotografie gibt es viele. Mit welcher Ausrüstung bist du den unterwegs ? Grundsätzlich : Zur Vogelfotografie sollte man ein Teleobjektiv haben, bei fliegenden Vögeln brauchst du eine schnelle Verschlusszeit bei der Kamera (1/2000 und mehr) je nach Vogelart . Je kleiner der Vogel je höher die Verschlusszeit. Ein Beispiel wie ich meine Grundeisntellung in meiner Kamera vornehme . 1) Modus M 2) ISO-Automatik 3) Blende kleinste Blendenzahl 4) Zeit sitzender Vogel 1/640 fliegender Vogel 1/2000   Gerne helfe ich Dir weiter wenn noch Fragen da sein sollten
    • Bird
      Chirps: 32
      Try the Bird Academy's Course "Bird Photography with Melissa Groo"
    • Deepak
      Chirps: 1
      IMG_20230214_082429a photo 
    • Big Al
      Chirps: 9
      My advice would be to crop your images to eliminate distracting background. You're going to be amazed at how good your pictures will be as a result.
    • Souksamlan
      Chirps: 24
      According to my experience photography is all about understanding the light, movement, and subject of what you photograph. Photography is request a lot of time in practicing and learn about what you photograph Gears are important as well because to capture the light and movement ( you should understand your camera, lens, and other accessories.
    • Annabeth
      Chirps: 107
      Keep trying you will get better at it. Sometimes you maybe need a different camera. Looks good!
    • Andrew
      Chirps: 2
      Practice....Practice...Practice!! Take as many different courses as you can afford. Read...Read...Read! as many videos as you can! Learn, and be relentless!