The Cornell Lab Bird Academy Discussion Groups Bird Identification Is this a juvenile Ruby Throated Hummingbird?

    • Damyon
      Chirps: 6
      Screenshot 2023-08-19 at 12.08.55 AM At the time of this photo exposure it was about 20 minutes before sunset on 11 Aug 2023. This bird was originally spotted perched on a garden shepherd's hook holding two hanging baskets. I startled it trying to get closer to photograph. It flew onto a branch of a Major Wheeler honeysuckle vine clump about 15' away. That was when I was able to get within 2' of the perched bird to capture the attached photograph. It then moved around and into the honeysuckle clump. Trying to get closer, again, I startled it and it flew about 30' across the front of my house and back to perch atop another flowering hanging basket support 5' from the honeysuckle clump. I turned my back on the bird to speak with a neighbor. While I was distracted I noticed it move toward the honeysuckle again out of the corner of my eye. I believe it spent the night in the honeysuckle clump. I think it is a juvenile because it seemed tired and was plumper than another hummingbird that also visits the honeysuckle clump. Am I correct?
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    • White-tailed Kite
      Chirps: 13
      I think this is a female Black-chinned hummingbird. The feathers on the back + back of the head are a yellowish-green like a Black-chinned hummingbird and when a female is perching they look a little plumper than other hummingbirds. I could confirm this could be a Black-chinned hummingbird but I couldn't know for sure because of location. Black-chinned hummingbirds live in the south to northwest so if I knew the location of where this photo was taken then I could further identify it. Here's a up-close picture of one from online.303888151-480px
      • Damyon
        Chirps: 6
        Thank you for your interest and answer. The location the photograph was captured. 40.23649, -75.52920 11 August 2023 @ 7:45 pm.  I only saw this hummingbird that one evening. I do have other hummingbirds visit the same Major Wheeler Honeysuckle vine mass. I am a beginner when it come to ID-ing hummingbirds. I assume the others are female Ruby-throated hummingbirds. I attached a photo of one of the others. DSC_4654