The Cornell Lab Bird Academy Discussion Groups Bird Identification Is this one of the various colored Northern Flickers?

    • Susan
      Chirps: 5
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    • Sarah
      Chirps: 50
      Either a long-billed thrasher or a brown thrasher, depending on where you saw it. But I would say long-billed because of the bill length
    • Annabeth
      Chirps: 107
      this is definitely a thrasher.
    • Esteban
      Chirps: 170
      It looks to me more like a long billed thrasher.
    • Celia
      Chirps: 20
      That's definitely a thrasher.
    • Kayla
      Chirps: 24
      Hm...I'm not completely familiar with Northern Flickers, but I think that this may be a thrush of some type. Possibly a Long-Billed Thrasher or Brown Thrasher? The belly pattern and bill seems similar, although I'm not completely sure. Here's a picture of a Brown Thrasher for comparison.   brownthrasher I found the white markings on the wings look similar! Great pictures!  I hope this helps. :)
      • Kayla
        Chirps: 24
        Here's the source for the picture. :) “The Key to Spotting a Brown Thrasher Is Knowing Its Song – Park Bugle.”, Accessed 16 Mar. 2021.