The Cornell Lab Bird Academy › Discussion Groups › Art and Photography › Jays, Magpies, Crows, Ravens, Nutcrackers, and other Corvids, drawings/paintings
This all so people can display their own Corvid paintings and drawings. Below are my own drawings of jays. Top is a Blue Jay, (Colored Pencil), and bottom a Steller's Jay, (Acrylic Paint)You must be logged in to reply to this topic.
Nice! Especially the Steller's jay.
This raven is done in graphite pencil. Recreated from a photo I love in Living Bird magazine. It was so much fun to do!
Well done! I don't think I could have produced a sketch that great of a bird, though maybe a fish.
Oh wow. Those are so nice. Your love for the birds shines through in your art. Thanks for posting.