The Cornell Lab Bird Academy Discussion Groups Bird Identification Karakoç the creek Balıkesir ayvalık

    • Salih
      Chirps: 73
      Karakoç  the creek Balıkesir ayvalık i did bird research in the creek wetland. Bird watching was conducted in the wetland from 7 am to 7 pm and my annual average data for the wetland is.The average number of days is 603.The average number of hours for the wetland is 38.The average minute for the wetland is 2.280. The number of years I have spent on the wetland is 7. from 2017 to 2024, I am recording photos of birds living in the wetland and I have studied the bird species that produce in the wetland. I have added the topics and slots of the observed slots to the Nestwatch site.The names of the bird species that live in the Karakoc creek wetland and whose reproduction has been observed. I have observation records and photographic records proving the breeding of has Birds that breed in wetlands and are likely to reproduce Haematopus ostralegus breeds in May Acrocephalus scirpaceus breeds in August Acrocephalus palustris breeds in August Acrocephalus arundinaceus breeds in August Cettia cetti breeds in August Lanius collurio breeds in August Hirundo daurica breeds in August Hirundo rustica breeds in August Anarhynchus alexandrinus breeds in  August Sterna albifrons breeds in June Emberiza melanocephala breeds in August Pica pica breeds in August Acrocephalus schoenobaenus breeds in August Locustella luscinioides breeds in August My bird observations are birds breeding in wetlands if a bird hatches from an egg and I observe the mating behavior of the same bird, and I observe the egg of the same bird, and I observe the offspring of the same bird and young birds, I consider the bird species to be the type of bird that breeds. The only bird species that breeds rarely in the Karakoc creek wetland is the Pandion haliaetus bird.Breeds in May. Species that do not breed in the wetland, but have a high probability of breeding. Bird species and names that have mating behavior and have the appearance of adults who do not incubate and only reproduce in a wetland. Galerida cristata,Motacilla flava,Numenius arquata,Pluvialis squatarola,Charadrius dubius,Glareola pratincola,Alaudala heinei,Ptyonoprogne rupestris,Riparia riparia,Delichon urbicum,Oenanthe isabellina,Oenanthe oenanthe,Egretta garzetta,Sterna hirundo,Cisticola juncidis,Saxicola rubicola,Remiz pendulinus,Ardea cinerea,Athene noctua,Phalacrocorax carbo,Himantopus himantopus. Bird migrations in the wetland Birds that are frequently observed during the migration period but are rarely seen in the wetland are called regularly seen rare bird species.Glareola pratincola,Alaudala heinei. Bird species observed in autumn migration in the wetland Spatula clypeata,Mareca strepera,Anas platyrhynchos,Tachybaptus ruficollis,Numenius arquata,Limosa lapponica,Tringa nebularia,Calidris alpina,Chroicocephalus ridibundus,Ichthyaetus melanocephalus,Phalacrocorax carbo,Egretta garzetta,Pandion haliaetus,Asio otus,Alcedo atthis,Alauda arvensis,Cisticola juncidis,Sturnus vulgaris,Saxicola rubicola,Passer domesticus,Linaria cannabina,Carduelis carduelis,Serinus serinus,Curruca communis,Muscicapa striata,Saxicola rubetra,Lanius collurio,Chloris chloris,Calidris minuta,Gallinula chloropus,Pluvialis squatarola,Ciconia nigra,Charadrius hiaticula,Plegadis falcinellus,Oenanthe oenanthe,Oenanthe isabellina,Microcarbo pygmaeus,Pelecanus onocrotalus,Circus aeruginosus,Accipiter nisus,Streptopelia decaocto,Charadrius dubius,Sterna hirundo,Ardea purpurea,Hirundo rustica,Emberiza melanocephala,Emberiza calandra,Cecropis daurica,Pica pica,Tringa totanus,Calidris pugnax,Lanius minor,Motacilla flava,Acrocephalus scirpaceus,Acrocephalus arundinaceus,Acrocephalus palustris,Acrocephalus schoenobaenus,Locustella luscinioides. Bird species observed in spring migration in wetland Alaudala heinei,Glareola pratincola,Haematopus ostralegus,Pandion haliaetus ,Himantopus himantopus,Ardeola ralloides,Iduna pallida,Cettia cetti,Sternula albifrons,Parus major. Bird species observed in winter migration in the wetland Tadorna ferruginea,Mareca penelope,Phoenicopterus roseus,Streptopelia decaocto,Fulica atra,Gallinago gallinago,Tringa ochropus,Chroicocephalus genei,Thalasseus sandvicensis,Phalacrocorax carbo,Ardea alba,Platalea leucorodia,Garrulus glandarius,Pica pica,Galerida cristata,Anthus pratensis,Fringilla coelebs,Emberiza calandra,Emberiza schoeniclus,Erithacus rubecula,Larus michahellis,Corvus monedula,Corvus cornix,Anarhynchus alexandrinus,Phoenicurus ochruros,Curruca melanocephala. Names of endangered bird species living in the Karakoç stream wetland and names of bird species on the red list. NT Hematopus ostralegus,Numenius arquata,Limosa lapponica,Calidris canutus,Calidris ferruginea,Haematopus ostralegus,Vanellus vanellus,Limosa limosa,Lanius senator,Phoeniconaias minor,Aythya nyroca,Pelecanus crispus,Turdus iliacus. VU Puffinus yelkouan,Streptopelia turtur,Aythya ferina,Branta ruficollis,Falco vespertinus,Rissa tridactyla,Ichthyaetus audouinii,Podiceps auritus. EN Neophron percnopterus. Geography of the wetland .The karakoc creek wetland is located under Madra mountain and the height of Madra mountain is 1338.The location of the Karakoc creek wetland. Altınova is a village in the district of Ayvalık, Balıkesir Province.Turkey provincial neighbors of is a neighbor to Kütahya and Bursa provinces in the east of Balıkesir. In the south of Balıkesir province, it is a neighbor to Izmir and manisa provinces.The west of Balıkesir is the neighbor of Çanakkale province. Ayvalık Balıkesir, on the other hand, is a neighbor of the Greek island of Mytilene is a neighbor.The part of Balıkesir province facing the Aegean is Ayvalık. The part of Balıkesir province facing the Marmara Sea is Manyas.. Types of habitats that exist in the wetland there are swamps, subasar meadows, barren habitat,saltwater and freshwater ecosystems and thickets and gorse and reeds and lagoons and bays, as well as the karakoc delta and karakoc creek. factors that threaten the wetland the dumping of human garbage and construction rubble and the dumping of construction materials around and the attack of hungry dogs on birds and the attack of birds breeding in the wetland during the breeding season and the theft of sand from the wetland and houses built near the wetland threaten the wetland. Names of other bird species seen in the wetland Cygnus olor Tadorna tadona Spatula querquedula Anas acuta Anas crecca Aythya fuligula Mergus serrator Coturnix coturnix Podiceps cristatus Podiceps nigricollis Columba livia Streptopelia turtur Apus apus Rallus aquaticus Recurvirostra avosetta Vanellus vanellus Numenius phaeopus Limosa limosa Actitis hypoleucos Tringa stagnatilis Tringa glareola Arenaria interpres Calidris alba Calidris ferruginea Hydrocoloeus minutus Larus canus Hydroprogne caspia Gavia arctica Puffinus yelkouan Pelecanus crispus Ixobrychus minutus Circus cyaneus Buteo buteo Asio otus Upupa epops Merops apiaster Dendrocopos syriacus Falco tinnunculus Falco subbuteo Lanius senator Corvus cornix Corvus corax Cyanistes caeruleus Remiz pendulinus Calandrella brachydactyla Melanocorypha calandra Lullula arborea Phylloscopus trochilus Aegithalos caudatus Curruca curruca Curruca melanocephala Sitta neumayer Troglodytes troglodytes Turdus philomelos Turdus merula Erithacus rubecula Luscinia megarhynchos Oenanthe melanoleuca Passer hispaniolensis Motacilla cinerea Passer montanus Anthus campestris Anthus spinoletta Coccothraustes coccothraustes Spinus spinus Emberiza cirlus
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    • Salih
      Chirps: 73 4 number of magazines     1number of magazines   I will be able to fill in the gaps after my Karakoç stream wildlife research is completed. When better photos are taken, I will upload them to the magazine. My bird research is almost over, but I am researching endemic plants, butterflies, bees, fish and reptiles. I am a wildlife observer.   karakoc wildlife Digital bird magazines After my research is completed, I will translate my digital magazines into foreign languages ​​and publish them.   2 number of magazines
    • Hello Salih, Thanks for trying the Bird Identification forum. Is there a photograph or drawing of a bird you are trying to identify?
      • Salih
        Chirps: 73
        Hello  Lee Ann van Leer there are photographic records of 83 bird species in the karakoc creek wetland. There is a sound recording of the birds Pluvialis squatarola,Limosa lapponica, Tringa nebularia, other than that, the names of the bird species that have a sound recording, but I have not added the sound recording to the one Calidris alpina,Numenius arquata are birds.
    • Salih
      Chirps: 73
      sea and the creek habitatsIMG_2976IMG_2953
    • Salih
      Chirps: 73
      • Karakoc creek fishery habitats seen in the wetlan.IMG_0662IMG_2977IMG_9448swamps and reeds
    • Salih
      Chirps: 73
      IMG_2952IMG_0944IMG_2950Karakoc creek fishery habitats seen in the wetlan.subasarchies
    • Salih
      Chirps: 73
      Karakoc creek fishery habitats seen in the wetlanIMG_2467-01IMG_2975photos of lagoons and bays
    • Salih
      Chirps: 73
      a bird spIMG_4661ecies that is frequently observed in karakoc creek during migration periods, but rarely breeds.
    • Salih
      Chirps: 73
      • non-breeding species that are likely to mate in karakoc creek.Species that have mating behavior but do not incubate. Birds that are seen as breeding adults during migration periods, but do not reproduce.IMG_3474IMG_3495IMG_4726
    • Salih
      Chirps: 73
      • non-breeding species that are likely to mate in karakoc creek.Species that have mating behavior but do not incubate. Birds that are seen as breeding adults during migration periods, but do not reproduce.IMG_8309IMG_9306IMG_8357
    • Salih
      Chirps: 73
      non-breeding species that are likely to mate in karakoc creek.Species that have mating behavior but do not incubate. Birds that are seen as breeding adults during migration periods, but do not reproduce.IMG_2929IMG_3936IMG_9489
    • Salih
      Chirps: 73
      non-breeding species that are likely to mate in karakoc creek.Species that have mating behavior but do not incubate. Birds that are seen as breeding adults during migration periods, but do not reproduce.IMG_3857IMG_3482IMG_0096
    • Salih
      Chirps: 73
      non-breeding species that are likely to mate in karakoc creek.Species that have mating behavior but do not incubate. Birds that are seen as breeding adults during migration periods, but do not reproduce.IMG_0658IMG_3441IMG_0482
    • Salih
      Chirps: 73
      non-breeding species that are likely to mate in karakoc creek.Species that have mating behavior but do not incubate. Birds that are seen as breeding adults during migration periods, but do not reproduce.611402427IMG_7594IMG_7722
    • Salih
      Chirps: 73
      • non-breeding species that are likely to mate in karakoc creek.Species that have mating behavior but do not incubate. Birds that are seen as breeding adults during migration periods, but do not reproduce.480.jpeg-2480.jpeg-1480.jpeg
    • Salih
      Chirps: 73
      • photos of bird species breeding in karakoc creek 5IMG_9495IMG_8471
    • Salih
      Chirps: 73
      photos of bird species breeding in karakoc creek 4IMG_9443IMG_9509IMG_2900
    • Salih
      Chirps: 73
      photos of bird species breeding in karakoc creek 3IMG_9757IMG_2932IMG_9311
    • Salih
      Chirps: 73
      • photos of bird species breeding in karakoc creek 2IMG_0150IMG_0056IMG_0057