The Cornell Lab Bird Academy › Discussion Groups › The Wonderful World of Owls › My local owls
Over the past 5 years I've seen several different varieties of owls, some in the wild and others that were rehabbed birds. The pictures that I've included are: -A Barred owlet in a nesting box that my husband and I put up in 2018. It took two years before the mating pair found it and this year they had 2 little ones. It was a silver lining in a Covid year. -I live about 30 minutes from the Plum Island Preserve in Mass and every year we are graced with Snowy owls. -These are 3 Great Horned owlets whose parents took over the nest of Great Blue Heron. It was a decent sized rookery and despite their presence it didn't stop the herons from returning.You must be enrolled in the course to reply to this topic.
I have a small woods within the city here in Wisconsin which I helped plant when I was a kid. Last year we had our first nest (that we know) of Great Horned Owls. The parents raised three owlets of which we saw two of the young ones. It was quite a thrill knowing the nest was there all this while and we didn't know it. Thanks for your story.
Myhusband and I were walking our terrier with a neighbor who had a hound mix. We keep our dogs on leashes. There is a little 7.5 acre part near our house right in the town of Arlington, VA. We are a block from the metro. A snag was created and as we walked by the snag on the trail, our dogs suddenly stopped. The hound pointed and my terrier looked low on the ground. There were 4 jumpers, baby Screech Owls, looking at us from the ground. The parents were in the tree over us. We had seen dogs off the leash in the park so called animal control I took a few quick shots with my phone to record this amazing event. Animal control got the owners to leash their dogs. Our dogs were cool about it all. We sealed off the area to let the young owls climb up and within a few days they were gone. What an exciting event. We did get some friends with really good cameras to take pictures. We also have Barred Owls in the neighborhood and one of them flew down over the neighbors' Corgy. We couldn't hear it. It appeared in the night and appeared to rake the back of the Corgy. That was amazing. We had an irruption of Snowy Owls appear at the Reagan National Airport about two winters ago. That was great fun to go out on the observation area and see them.