The Cornell Lab Bird Academy › Discussion Groups › Art and Photography › Orange Bishop Sketch! and What tools do you guys like to draw with?
An orange bishop sketch. Hope next time I draw bigger that way I can get more details down. Also what tools/brush/pen/etc. does everyone like to draw with?You must be logged in to reply to this topic.
Love your little guy! I struggle with beaks but yours looks good. I started with watercolors - not easy! Then graphic pencils, colored pencils, watercolor pencils, now I just bought myself oil pastels! I went with Derwent graphite and colored pencils. My water colors are 24 pack Koi Watercolors. I buy some of them based on what was recommended by the online classes I take. I'm like the midrange quality for affordability. I found what I like to do most is watercolors then details in colored pencils. I'm not very good at using a brush for details and textures. I couldn't get into doing landscapes but when I started watching videos with pastels I found that that is working for me. It's amazing how all these work so differently and so fun to experiment and maybe produce something nice out of it once in awhile!
Amazing sketch! Great detail and texture. I usually just use any available pencil and start sketching. I don't usually add color, just shading with the pencil.
Prismacolor premier is good for things like this, especially for blending, but i say use whatever works for you. I love how this bird is fluffed up in this drawing. I’m a bit of a beginner, so I’m not completely sure what to use.
I watch a lot of youtube video instruction and it seems everyone uses and promotes a different brand. I didn't know there were soft and hard versions of colored pencils and pastels and what the differences were for and how they all react to different media. Researching is overwhelming! I just try to do the best with what I purchased. It's not like I'm trying to be a professional!
Prismacolor premier is a pencil brand
Wow, nice sketch! Love how you captured the different textures. I'm a total amateur, just learning so I can't answer your question just yet.