The Cornell Lab Bird Academy › Discussion Groups › How to Paint Birds with Jane Kim › Paint: Northern Cardinal
Lovely! The face has so much expression too!
Well done - Sally!
Beautiful Sally. I am always impressed with your work.
Great job on the bill. Wonderful.
Did mine with watercolors. I think it came out better than expected! Fun!!
This is done with watercolors. I struggled with the wings and lifted entire sections 2 times, which roughened up the paper a bit. But now I understand bird feet a bit better!
Nice job! In general I can see that other students struggle with the same things I do - color selection, values, water, etc.
I really like this watercolor. Now I want to paint a male Cardinal in watercolor!. Bird feet are not easy. I was given the book, Laws Guide to Drawing Birds by John Muir Laws. JML recommends to draw 50 pairs of bird feet.
Loved taking this class with Jane! First time using acrylics and painting a bird. Enjoyed viewing classmates work too. Excited to start my next bird using Jane's excellent technique. Many Thanks Jane
I tried two different images. Loved the class but need more practice. It was a challenge. I take painting at Schlitz Audubon Center in Milwaukee. Jose Acevedo teaches water color and Acrylic. He is a very good 'Bird' painter. I will try to use Janes Techniques in my Audubon class. I hope to be able to enroll in more classes from Jane. I understand from looking at Her items on the web; She does do different types of wild life. Great idea for artist to use a scientific approach in their art work. Thanks Jane and every one connected with this class. ( some great student work ). Maribeth
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ElizabethBird AcademyChirps are just a way to keep track of how active users are in the discussion. They are calculated based on each user's participation–1 point (or chirp) for replying to someone, 5 points for starting a new topic.
I am used to watercolor and had a hard time adjusting to acrylic. Gonna have to practice. I used acrylic paper for this one, so it’s a bit textured, and abandoned the water brushes. I simply couldn’t control the amount of water with them.
I like that you went ahead and tried acrylics. I stuck with my watercolors and also had trouble with water management with the water brushes. To get the finest lines, I had to squeeze the bristles with a towel to make sure I didn't have too much water. I do like how fine a line you can get with the stiffer water brushes. I like how your cardinal turned out.
Besides working hard to find the critical colors for the scapulars and such, I found it very difficult to figure out how to handle the paint. Consistency and amount of pigment.... it was particularly difficult to hard to handle the water pens and applying the thin highlight lines. My cardinal got fatter and fatter as my shaky hand had a challenge on the breast.
Well done! I really like the feet.
I went to Cornell to see Jane's Wall of Birds. I love her work and murals. I learned so much from her. I hope she teaches another class. Thank you.
Your bird is lovely!
Having issues uploading this.... This was the first attempt following Jane's advice to paint what I see. Did it in a bit of a rush. Will try again following her example. Did use her colors.
Your colors are really nice! Love it
@Donna Thank you. He is very fluffy. Must be winter!
It does look like winter :-). I like how you painted the different feather groups, they really stand out and show a lot of depth. Lovely!
I love the depth of field in your wings, they really stand out. They look so real, just like a photograph. Wonderful job.
My first experience with acrylics. Loved the class. Thank you!
Thank you for the course!
This is so lovely!
Beautiful! This would make a wonderful Christmas card :-)
@PL I agree with PL it is beautiful and would be a lovely Christmas card. I always notice how skillfully Donna paints.
@Maureen A very beautiful cardinal and background!
Loved the base the bird is on and a great choice of background !
I really enjoyed this course and will now continue to sketch and paint other birds. I'm looking forward to you offering additional painting courses in the future!
Your bird has a lot of personality, he looks a bit mischievous :-). Nice job!
Cardinal is finished! This one is again done in gouache. Still waiting on a few acrylics and the handy palette from Blick which has been on backorder. Gouache is more challenging than watercolor because it moves at the first drop of water, so I ended up learning more about this medium along the way. I really enjoyed working on this bird and breaking down the feather groups, coloring, and really analyzing the photo we were working with. I also really enjoyed that I had the opportunity to go at my own pace to work out coloring and approach and put what we learned into practice. Thanks, Jane!
Am I finished? I am terrible at keeping the paper clean and the edges of the paint and the white space are making me crazy. I am thinking about sketching in big box distribution centers that are cropping up all over the landscape here in Kentucky. I may glaze wings a couple of more times to refine the shapes. Super challenging and fun exercise! Thanks, Jane!
So rich! Great work! -jane
My cardinal is more red than orange and not exactly a precise copy …
Sometimes they are! Beautiful range of hues from orange to red. -jane
This was fun to do! I am becoming more familiar with the acrylics and water brushes, which helps :)
Look at all those lovely highlights! So happy to hear this one was fun. 💗 -jane
The wing feathers and tail details were the most challenging! I enjoyed experimenting with colour mixing, and found I mostly used pyrrole red, pyrrole orange, quinacridone magenta and the ultramarine blue. Thanks again Jane for this excellent lesson! Alisha
Wonderful work! All red subjects are difficult and you have a nice range of reds! -jane
Beautiful! I love the bit of purplish red on the scapulars. -jane
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