The Cornell Lab Bird Academy Discussion Groups How to Record Bird Sounds Settings to record with 32 bit float

    • David
      Chirps: 14
      I have a ZoomF3 field recorder with 32 bit float. I have read that this is a "set it and forget it" format, but do not understand the implications. The options for gain go from 1x through powers of 2 from 2x to 1024x. The display shows only a hard to read sort-of-wave image consisting of vertical bars. Early on I experimented with higher and lower gains (neither one extreme) and then normalized the recordings in Audacity and did not perceive a difference in the resulting files. The recorder also allows for a sample rate of 88.2 kHz. Any reason to used that rather than 48? Incidentally, without guidance about capacity I bought a microSDxc card with 128gb capacity, so the recorder always shows 99:59:59 as the remaining recording capacity.
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