• Frankie
      Chirps: 99
      I am taking the shorebird ID course, which has really opened my eyes to the beauty of shorebirds. I used to view shorebirds as bland birds that all look the same, but they are actually really amazing. Their superb migration, subtle but beautiful markings, and silly bobs and twitches are great. I am preparing for a trip to Bombay Hook and Prime Hook National Wildlife Refuges in Delaware to look for shorebirds and other water birds. Although this bird will probably not be at these places, it is my favorite shorebird: The Red Phalarope1FD37E37-D521-4376-AC45-57A266F6C0B0
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    • Saralaxia
      Chirps: 1
      Felicidades por tu entusiasmo. Yo vivo en una zona de humedal Sitio Ramsar, tengo alrededor de 10 años que salgo a caminar por salud y veo las aves, pero apenas hace unos meses empecé a practicar la observación regularmente y ¡cielos! es confuso ubicar a las playeras, los pequeños Calidris, Costureros, pero ahí seguiré practicando para aprender a diferenciarlos.