• Justin
      Chirps: 6
      Hello, getting ready to start the course.  Have all supplies purchased.  Would an art easel be recommended, or just use a desk? Thanks
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    • Having never used an easel myself, I decided to get myself a small table easel to try out.  During the section of the course where we go over how to draw a bird with pencil I fell in love with the easel.  I found that I really enjoy using color pencils as a medium (even though they are not course supplies) and the easel allows me to more easily draw shapes such as circles. Now that I have moved back into the painting portion of the course, I prefer to just use a desk and not an easel.  The reason for this, at least for me, is because drawing birds requires a lot of detail and with paint it can be easy to accidentally add too much or too little pressure on the brush with potentially catastrophic consequences.  Being able to rest my hand on the table allows for me to better manage the amount of pressure placed on the brush. Hope this helps (and I know youve probably already made your own decision since you posted this question two weeks ago).
      • Justin
        Chirps: 6
        Thank you very much for the information.  This does help quite a lot, and makes sense.  I technically purchased a small desktop easel yesterday, but I haven’t used it yet.  As you indicated, it may help with sketch portion, and then I can just the table for the painting portion for more precision and pressure.  It does have a drawer in it to store the supplies, so if anything, I can use it as storage.  If I were to try other mediums such as canvas/oil later on, it may be useful in that regard. Thank you again, appreciate the feedback and experience with it thus far.