The Cornell Lab Bird Academy › Discussion Groups › Nature Journaling and Field Sketching › Style Your Journal Your Way
1)I capture the “flora and fauna” near my home and wherever I travel. I now want to study, reflect on and record the details of the subject. I have always admired others’ travel and nature journals, so I am excited to begin my own. 2) Each journalist came to the projects with the skills they had acquired elsewhere. The evolution of their depictions and their focuses were different and I appreciated each style. I will review this lesson to take notes on what speaks to me and I’d like to incorporate in my journal.
- My first nature journal was made on a family trip across the US when I was 15. Now I am 72 and retired and trying to pick up drawing again. Looking for inspiration to get me started.
I bought a book on nature journaling in 1998 and started a journal in 1999. I have a number of entries for 1999 and 2000, then one for 2007, and nothing until 2020! My original journal still has empty pages. As I am looking towards retirement, I want to spend much, much more time in nature. I love the idea of a page or two per month, but am a bit intimidated by my lack of drawing skills. I love the idea of doing lots of practice drawings. Hopefully I can be patient with myself.
I'm much more of a writer than an artist, so my journal is mostly descriptions of observations, records of my questions, and how I answered them through further observation or research. It's like a journal of discovery, as well as to record memories of places and birds, flowers, insects, animals I've met. I can open to any page and find joy. The illustrations where there are any are just to aid a verbal description. So, I'd like to get better at drawing so I can incorporate that element. I'm just starting with pencil sketches. I am so impressed by the watercolor sketches, and hope to someday be able to learn that skill as well.
1. I've always been passionate about nature and I'm planning on going back to school for wildlife conservation and to become a wildlife biologist. I've always also been fairly decent at art and really admire those who are talented in the ways of arts. I want to try and find a way to combine my two passions while also improving my observation skills and artistic ability. 2. I like the last one where she did multiple sketches for a whole month. I love all of the color and want to do something similar, but I also love adding in all of the written observations as well. I think the first journal is probably the closest to what I want to do.
1. I have always loved being in nature and recently began birdwatching. I would love to improve my art skills and be able to capture what I see on paper. 2. I like the idea of including information about time and weather. It will be cool to track changes over time.
I have always been interested in the natural world. I have, even though I have an Art degree, felt my drawings skills were lacking. I started taking course work at the School of Botanical Art and Illustration offered by the Denver Botanic Gardens. I still fall into old habits of heavy line work and dark values. I am hoping to refine my ability to see proportions, line weight, and value use by starting a new habit of drawing each day.
1. I think I like the idea of being able to use art in a way that is personal and "every day." I enjoy recording my experiences and those of my family, and I think this can be another way to collect memories. I am also interested in drawing what I see more accurately. 2. I have tried the art every day, and it seems too demanding for me at the moment. I'm a mom of three, and quiet times can be few and far between! I think I like the monthly idea. Doing a little here and there as I am able seems most realistic at this stage in my life. 3. I don't think I have any other ideas at the moment, but maybe there is a combination of styles that would suit me. I guess I'll find out!
I really never thought I could draw but I enjoy the idea of journaling and after taking Liz's course on sketching birds discovered I probably can draw and so I want to give nature journaling a try. 2) I liked the journal with the boxes that expanded to loose boxes with drawings going across the edges. I like a bit of order but I also like to think it doesn't dictate an experience :). I read one of the other discussion posts where the author noted that she had moved into a new house and had used her journal to capture the changes over time in her yard. Just yesterday we had topsoil put down at our newly built house and trees, shrubs, and perennials planted and I will take this other student's suggestion and make the changes over time in our yard the beginning focus of my journaling. Becky
My father often sketched nature whether scenery, a flower, bird, plant but never had a story with it. I saw journals with stories for various life aspects and the nature one intrigued me the most. I liked the idea of small sketches and stories thru the day, sort of like Liz but also some of the other ones. I might be more likely to journal about my day and then put in sketches perhaps without all the info about the item I am doing.
I bought a new home approximately four years ago and the builder removed nearly all of the natural habitat in the neighborhood. I've since planted many trees, shrubs, and flowers and have enjoyed watching the birds build nests in the magnolias, the bees feed on the lantana and holly, the American goldfinches eating the coneflower seeds, and the morning doves sunbathing on the fence. I have northern cardinals that swoop in for a quick snack, hummingbirds that adorable the crapemyrtles and (the dreaded) mockingbirds that can't seem to remember where they build the nest (so they build another one and another one and....) My hope is to use my nature journal to document the changes in the yard as it matures, capture the seasonal (and permanent) visitors, and enjoy the habitat I've created. I live in a city with high growth and we are constantly intruding on the natural world. Planting my pollinator-friendly yard and watching the visitors come and go has been so rewarding (and feels a little redemptive). I'm planning on using my nature journaling as a way to really appreciate the space throughout the year. Thanks to Liz, I've also recaptured my joy in drawing but have almost always done black and white sketches. I am looking forward to adding some color, learning new techniques and just tap into my creative mind.
1. I am trying to be more present in my daily life, living in a more mindful and meditative way. At the same time, I'm following another course of study that makes me want to connect more deeply with animals and the living world around me. I thought perhaps learning to draw them and capture them descriptively in words would help expand my creativity and my attention, as well as helping me develop patience to spend the time getting the little details right. 2. I want to learn to paint things... I don't have any experience with paints, so I'm starting out sketching. But I'm looking forward to painting. I want my journal to combine art and words to paint the full picture of the experiences I have. I am a writer, and want to improve my writing by paying attention to the details in a way I feel can be achieved by drawing and painting. The first journal in the video struck me, as a combination of art and words that seemed very satisfying to me. 3. I would love to add creative writing into my journal. Poetry, storytelling, dreaming... so along with the lyric and detailed description through words and art, I can evoke the spiritual or emotional experience of what I see.
I suppose the idea is really a romantic one. In my minds' eye it just seems to be a great way of stepping away from the hustle and bustle of the 21st century and communing with nature. I also want to capture the beauty of what I see and what appeals to me. I have very little art experience, so it's a bit intimidating. More like a dream than anything else. But I'm also hoping the drawing will help me truly see and be able to identify what I'm looking at and help me to learn more about the natural world around me.
I was inspired by some of the great ones. First Henry Thoreau but most recently John Muir. I have been writing for years but have always desired to sketch in my journals. I am not retired nor am I a young student. Older but still running my business. But I was impressed by the comments of spending a long time observing. One journalist said she watched a hummingbird for 1 1/2 hours! I realized life is moving quickly for me and I do not want to miss things. Many had simple sketches and a few notes but it flooded their memories. I loved that. I am ready to begin my greatest adventures!
1. I have always liked to draw, but not done any drawing in a long time. I was really inspired to start nature journaling by a planned trip to Australia. I am not a photographer and get impatient with the process, but I wantb to be able to document the trip and "own" the birds I see. 2. I want to develop my drawing skills and learn about using watecolor. And I like the idea of combing words with drawings - of noting observations and questions.
I had been closing in on retirement for some time, and every time a Cornell Lab Nature Journaling class notice came across my email, I promised myself that as soon as I retired, I would take the class. Well, I finally retired in June! I am attracted to the journals that are more colorful and "busy." I also like the close-up detailed drawings of individual flowers and birds, rather than landscapes. I have never really drawn or painted, but I have kept word journals for many, many years, especially when I go on trips, and I am looking forward to enhancing my words with pictures.
I live near Yellowstone National Park and the surrounding beauty has inspired me. Nature journaling will help me record the details of what I experience each day or week. I love that each journal is personal to the individual.
I started nature journaling because I really love to paint and see wildlife. I also really love the idea of being able to explore, document, and draw what I see each day. Nature and painting are both a big part of me, so I figured why not start a nature journal. The ideas and approaches I want to try are just leaving the imprint of the bird, and the very last journal in the video. It was so beautiful, clean, and organized. I really hope I can create something beautiful with my own spin on it. I really appreciate the creation of this course, and I can't wait to watch the other videos.
I am trying to connect my ongoing coursework at the Denver Botanic Garden's School of Botanical Art and Illustration to a daily practice of observation and sketching. I saw this course and felt that it would start me working on a new habit. The habit of slowing down and watching the world around me. I work in the Information Technology field and it feels like we are running at full speed all the time. I am hoping to take a breath and record those little daily miracles that surround us via this class.
I too love both art and nature (particularly birds) and want some direction on how to enjoy both and create a memory. I am curious as to how you get a bird to sit still long enough in order to sketch it! I would like to experiment with pencils, colored pencils and watercolors
In my younger years I loved drawing for pleasure and did a lot of it. I did sketches with pencil non coloured and coloured. I have not done this in years and as I was looking at the courses on Bird Academy I noticed this one. When I retired I was gifted a sketch book and pencils but haven't used them yet. I have never sat out in nature and sketched I mainly sketched from pictures. However I love being outside and spend much time outside on backpacking and biking trips, birdwatching, gardening, etc.. I feel this course will be a great course for me to take to bring my love of sketching back into my life. All the journals were interesting, I liked the fact that I can make the journal my own and change how I organize it etc as the mood strikes me. I do like the ones that have the date, place, time and weather indicated for each drawing, as well as the field notes. I found them interesting to read. I feel this would help me recognize a bird, flower, etc.. next time I saw it and it tells a story with pictures and words. Also I feel it will slow me down and make me more aware of my surroundings and the details with in it.
I have been keeping written journals of our travels, but don't usually illustrate them. Now that I have turned 80 I find that 'sit-down' activities are much more appealing, and I love being outdoors. There are so many possibilities for sketching birds and plants anywhere. I watched a doe give birth to her fawn in our paddock several weeks ago and wished I had been able to record it on paper. I'm hoping this course will help me gain the skills to do that.
I work in conservation on some of our UK reserves. The monthly journal really called out to me as a goal. It would be fantastic to get monthly memories of how the reserves change throughout the year!
I'm a gardener, birder, beach naturalist, mushroom hunter and all around nature nerd. I'm also a mindfulness practitioner and I love the idea of bringing all of these things together through nature journaling. I'm drawn to the idea of a monthly entry as goal and hope I can learn to use watercolor effectively because I love color!
I am a naturalist, and help with monitoring Eastern Bluebird nests, and banding the young birds. Although I trained as a wildlife biologist, I work as a teacher/tutor. I like photographing landscapes, waterscapes, plants, and close-up details of plants, and see how things change over the various seasons. I also love birding, and would enjoy learning how to draw or sketch birds. I am interested in learning to sketch bird postures, silhouettes, and details, so that a particular species will be recognizable. I also want to have fun with it! I enjoyed seeing all of these various artists/journalists' nature journals. Each has a different technique, and great ideas. I would like to combine sketches with detailed observations. I liked the idea of using a page for a particular date, or for a month. I also liked the idea of using "zooms" or insets, to show a particular detail. Since I am not an artist, I wish to learn the basic techniques for pencil/pen sketching, as well as water colouring. Water colouring is challenging, as the paints can bleed or run. So I would wish to learn how to work with water colours correctly. (I am from Canada, so you will see Canadian spelling! I see it's trying to correct me on "colours"!) Sylvia
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