• Beth
      Chirps: 1
      1. I enjoy nature and water coloring. I need to improve my drawing and water color skills. This seemed like a great way to combine several of my interests. 2. I was happy to see so many styles and approaches. It's good to know that there is not single way of nature journaling. I would like to try several approaches until I find what works for me. 3. Not really. I want to experiment.
    • sheree
      Chirps: 2
      Hi, I am a beginner to nature journaling. I retired about 6 months go and transitioning to what is next in store for me has been challenging.  This course arrived in my email at just the right time. I live on the side of a mountain in the Roan Highlands of Tennessee. I frequently take walks and hike. I have been taking pictures of things I see on my hikes, but this is much more intriguing.  I look forward to all of the courses. My style... I am left handed and started my first page from right to left. It feels right! 34E3CC46-6134-40B1-A125-0605E21C3603I will try to draw and color the leaf in the next day or two.
      • Susan
        Chirps: 30
        As a fellow lefty, I can relate! The need to avoid smudging. Nice format to start with!
      • sheree
        Chirps: 2

        @Susan Thank you!

    • Isabel
      Chirps: 34
      IMG_8390   1- I enjoy going on birdwatching trips with friends and learning a lot about nature. Last year I found this beautiful caterpillar and a friend could identify it. I like to learn sketching techniques because I am too slow at drawing. At home I sketch my cats very easily because they sleep all day. 2- I like the "zoom" idea and drawing details on a circle.
    • Bobbi
      Chirps: 2
      1.  I enjoy drawing and want to add watercolors - I’ve never really used them and want to learn the techniques. 2.  I always have my phone with me and take a lot of photos of various “nature” things.  On a plane trip the other day I snapped some photos of the top of clouds - they just looked like something I wanted to try to draw/paint. 3.  Not sure it’s “different” but I envision using my journal to help me get better at plant ID.
    • Carol
      Chirps: 3
      Hi- Carol from MO here.  Retired science teacher. 1.  I took a drawing backyard birds course from the Mo Botanical Garden a couple of years ago.  We talked about nature journaling in that class.  It seemed like a natural next step.  Just taken me a while to get back to it.  I'm outside a lot in the garden so there's no reason to not try to get back in the habit of daily drawing.  I like the idea of a seasonal journal.  So I'm going to see what this is like and hopefully pick up some new ideas and habits. 2.  I like the quick sketches- for example of birds at the feeder.  I'd love to learn how to get that much of a sketch in such a short period of time.  The watercolor is also interesting to me.  I took a watercolor class last fall and left feeling as though I wasn't sure really how to structure paintings.  The small watercolors focused on one idea or aspect seems very manageable.  My bird drawing class only used pencil- great way to begin- I experimented with colored pencil, but watercolor may be easier.  I also like how the journalists use text to describe what they're drawing, or to describe the surroundings or questions they may have.  I'll just have to start and see how the journal evolves.  I'm not really sure what I'll try to purposefully incorporate into my journal. 3.  One idea- I think I saw it in one of the examples- is to attach small photos of the sketch.  I like to take photographs and put slideshows together for my granddaughter with music- basically a journal of an event- I did a metamorphosis of a monarch last year.  I've followed bees as they wander around on the flowering plants.  Seems like a journal of some kind to me.  I'd think that some of the photos I take could be used in some way in the journal periodically.  Sometimes I might not have my pencils or notebook, but I usually have a camera even if it's just my phone.  It might be useful.
      • Christina Wray
        Chirps: 2
        Hi Carol, I just had an opportunity to visit the Missouri Botanical Gardens last week, sooo beautiful! I’m a midwest girl living in FL, so not only did it give me a taste of fall, but also magically felt like a homecoming.   Christina
      • Christina Wray
        Chirps: 2
        1.  There are a couple different reasons I want to nature journal. First, I’ve recently moved to Central Florida, from southern Indiana, so much of the habitats and wildlife is new to, and i think journaling will be a helpful tool to learn more deeply about my new home. Second, I love love love nature illustrations from the 19th and early 20th century, and i think it would be fun to create my own. 2.l really liked Holly’s monthly journal pages as well as Shayna’s box style journal. We recently started camping regularly and i think it would be great to keep a journal of discoveries while camping. Sort of like a “nature’s guest book” for our camper 😀   3. I really like seasons journals where you document a place or specimen in each season on the same page.   I like to paint some of my nature photographs in miniature sometimes, it helps me capture the feelings of the moment than when i took the original photo.   image This is a painting i did from a photograph taken on a sunrise hike to see cockaded woodpeckers.
    • Henry
      Chirps: 1
    • Martine
      Chirps: 1
      I have been painting, journaling my travels and loved nature since forever. Planning a trip to the tropics this winter, I figured that journaling it with images would be fun and informative. As I have never used watercolours, this will also teach me a new technique! EF0EB572-CF8A-45E7-B626-78266B6B9041
    • Anita
      Chirps: 4
    • Berta
      Chirps: 2
      1) I have been nature journaling for several years now. The main reason why I started, which is also the reason why I continue to do it, is because I want to create a bond with the natural world around me. By spending time in nature, by slowing to observe, listen and smell, I feel like I create a relationship with the landscape around me. Also, as I keep coming back to the same places along the seasons I keep seeing how things change and evolve. 2) I have liked the idea from the first girl in the video about using the journal to study and also to create field guides. 3) Astro sketching! I guess I am a nature journaler both during the day and at night. The sky is full of wonders near and far, simple and elaborate, and I like to sketch them all. From the simple constellations, moon craters or planets to the most complicated galaxies, planetary nebulas or globular clusters. Astronomy + sketching make a beautiful hobby.
      • Nicole
        Chirps: 8
        Berta, I have thought about, and love the idea, of "astro" sketching. If you have done this how do you do it? Maybe an example? I have been trying to figure out the color scheme of sketching the night sky. Should black paper be used with white watercolor or color pencil, or do you invert the colors and use black for the stars on the white paper in the nature journal, or something else I'm not even thinking of? Would love to get a better understanding to do this. I want to give it a try and I know my oldest who is into space would love doing this. Just trying to figure out the best and most practical way to accomplish this when we are both sort of "perfectionist" and we like things to look like it looks in real time. (hope that made sense). Thanks!
      • Berta
        Chirps: 2

        @Nicole Hi Nicole. I too have a 7 and a 9 years old boys! I hope that they will want to watch the class with me too. As for Astro sketching I recommend the tutorials by Jeremy Perez in his blog “Belt of Venus”   http://www.perezmedia.net/beltofvenus/archives/000567.html   He just uses pen and paper and a blending stump for the sketches, really simple ! Also Carol Lakomiak has a nice tutorial here:   https://www.rasc.ca/carol-lakomiaks-astrosketching-tutorials-solar-and-dso-sketching   But maybe the simplest way to start is by drawing the constellations with pen on white paper, or with white gel pen on paper previously made dark with Watercolor, or black pages. I hope this helps! You say that you are a perfectionist, and is ok, as most objects in the night sky will stay there for you to observe then and sketch them for hours, so no need to rush it. If your older is into the night sky you could print him every month the sky chart for your latitude from http://www.skymaps.com and challenge him to find all the objects visible by eye listed on the second page.  

      • Nicole
        Chirps: 8

        @Berta That is awesome we have boys the same age! Thank you so much for responding and providing the links for the resources. I will definitely be checking those out (already have them all pulled up in my browsers tabs). Thank you too for the encouragement. Hope your boys will watch some of it with you, both my boys like nature journaling but we have to take this course a little at a time as my youngest won't sit through it for to long....haha. Thanks again!

      • Carol
        Chirps: 3

        @Nicole When I taught astronomy, I'd have the kids sketch moon phases over several nights.  We started with Galileo's drawings, talked about detail in drawing, practiced with his sketches and photographs, then the kids went out on their own to give it a try.  Really got some excellent sketches!  The moon is relatively easy to start with- nice and big and bright and it changes nightly.  You'll see more detail on some nights (and days) than on others.  Earthshine is gorgeous.  The moon really challenges your attention to detail.  The kids would often remark that the terminus was not a smooth line, but rough and caught the edges of craters.  Another journal to try would be during a total solar or luanr eclipse.  You can see a solar eclipse evolve just by looking at the shadows cast by the leaves of trees during the event.  I would think that would be a fun way to document the event.  Lunar eclipses would give you a chance to experiment with reds in your sketches.  If you have access to a telescope, star clusters or nebulae would be a great subject. Orion has a few to try, and there's a beautiful Messier object just above the spout of the teapot in Sagittarius (in summer) and in the tail of Scorpius.  Lots of neat stuff to try out there!  Have fun.

    • Tess
      Chirps: 4
      I have journalled before but adding drawings and watercolor really helps to stick with it. While drawing/sketching anything,  you tend to remember it and it sticks with you. Loved all the styles of  the artists in preview. I want  to add color if possible because in bird ID and any types of identification in the field, color matters. So far, my sketching looks like a first grader but i will stick with it. My Dad and Grandma are mentors to me.
    • Colleen
      Chirps: 2
      1. I'm a wildlife ecologist so I keep a field notebook with me all the time. Mostly this is for data collection but I stray and write poems, remark on how beautiful nature is, write down research ideas and sometimes draw. Most of my drawings are super simple functional sketches that help me find nests in trees or identify individual animals. The sketches are helpful and I often take last years field notebook out with me the following year as a reference. I loved to draw as a kid but didn't continue into adulthood but want to. 2. I like the daily journal idea. I call  my home the tree house and there are always birds, squirrels and other critters outside my windows. It would be fun to do a simple daily drawing with notes attached to highlight what I see each day. I want drawing to be a practice. 3. I might want to do a dog journal. I love my dog so much. I could try to capture his coat pattern, expressions, tail wags, and always surprising behaviors in drawings and dog notes.
    • Roger
      Chirps: 3
      1. What inspired me to take this course? I have always loved watching some dear friends work on their nature journals, and hoped and intended to do this lovely type of recording through art and observation for myself. A little bit of fear, self judgement , and procrastination combined to keep me from diving into this project. So when I saw the email describing the Cornell online class, I jumped at the chance to have the structure that would get me going! 2. Now that I've heard from several other journalers about their processes, and had a peek at their journals, which ideas or approaches do I want to try? I'm starting with the style of the boxes defining the topics and comments I want to use to encourage myself, so that I can imagine writing and drawing strictly for myself and no one else. The box effect seems to lead me to keep to one thought or noteworthy interest and keep me focused . Just for myself... I will hope to find it helpful to note the date, time, weather, and location. Again, to help remembering the circumstances present during my observations. I am a retired R.N., after 45 years in practice. Drawing has always been something I loved to do as doodling, and I am hoping I can give myself its hidden gifts now, when I finally have more time to do more than just "doodle"! It was lovely to hear and see the enthusiasm and ideas of the journals who presented their work and ideas. Thank you all! Mary Ann
    • Nicole
      Chirps: 8
      Hello all, we are excited for this course. I say we because I am working through this class with my two boys (right now aged 7 & 9). We homeschool and this is a wonderful addition to our studies. 1. We have been inspired to begin nature journaling because it is a great way to connect and learn about the natural world around us. We also follow a Charlotte Mason style of education and it is highly encouraged to nature journal and be outdoors on a daily basis. We have been learning to nature journal for about a year, but we would like to become more consistent with our time outdoors. We also are looking forward to learning more about what to think about, look at, etc. during our time nature journaling and becoming better with our drawings. 2. I personally liked the first example that had an ample amount of writing with some drawings too. I like the use of the boxes and I will be using this idea at a minimum for writing out my date, time, place, and weather conditions. My oldest is still thinking through his approach and has some ideas on how to improve his journal, and my youngest will be mostly drawing with some writing with my help. 3. No new or different ideas here. I am hoping to learn to be less critical of myself because I am not a good drawer but instead focus on why this process is important and to be an example to my kids as I continue to learn about creation. It is my hope that they too will continue this habit as they get older and continue their own learning. Here is a page from each of our journals currently before starting this course.IMG_0001 2IMG_0003IMG_0002
      • Kristin
        Chirps: 1
        Hello, we too are homeschooling...my boys are 7 and 4! This was my first year learning about the beautiful things that CM suggests for studies, and Nature Journaling was something I was NOT looking forward to. However, as we struggled along and learned and grew, we  noticed so much more when we took the time to sketch -- and I love being impressed by nature.  These journals were gorgeous and inspirational...I really liked the encouragement to add a bit of the story to the sketch. And I felt a need for "professional development" for myself, so this is the course I picked, to learn and notice and delight; I have a feeling it will be contagious and my boys will end up coming along on this too! I wonder when you started this course and how it has gone since?
    • Aaron
      Chirps: 2
      1> I have always done some sort of journaling and even drawing and journaling. I have wanted to fine-tune these skills to develop further, not just artistically but also a sense of purpose. I teach middle school students, and I hope to help instill some of these practices with them. I enjoy being in the classroom again. 2>I appreciate the quality of each of the Journals and approach. I believe the descriptions are as important as an artistic capture. The one I also like the simplistic approach and while it may not have been as attractive as the final day to day journal. I also think that those details are essential and perhaps can be overlooked through art. So while one may not be as artistic, one can focus on poems, descriptions, etc. The simple things such as date, time, area, weather were all critical. 3>The video component incorporated that captured the individuals' actual explanations of the day and what they were trying to achieve and express is an essential component.
    • Madeleine
      Chirps: 13
      My first experience with art journaling was long ago when I bought a facsimile edition of A Country Diary of an Edwardian Lady. I was thrilled! Though I'm primarily a photographer, the idea of sketching and writing seems much more 'mindful' to me. I've been keeping a travel/art journal on and off for a few years, and I hope this class will help me settle into a routine and a preferred way of doing things.
      • Dorothy D
        Chirps: 21
        I remember that book--I treasured it and now I am wondering where it is in my stacks of books. Thanks for the memory!
      • Nicole
        Chirps: 8
        The book you mentioned is on my list to read, one day. I understand how with sketching you tend to be more "mindful" I found I pay much more attention to the detail/s when I force myself to draw instead of just taking a picture. I rather take a picture because I don't like drawing nor am I particularly good at it but I learn so much more when I take the time to sketch/draw it out.
    • Cassandra
      Chirps: 2
      Hello all, Getting a bit of a late start to the course here but I am very excited to begin my nature journaling. I am an avid gardener and I also love birds and the two interests keep me outside quite a bit. Over time, I have become a bit of a naturalist, and keeping a nature journal is something that will help me forge an even deeper connection with the natural world around my home. I love art with the natural world as its subject and I would love to be able to create some of my own. This class will help me get there!
      • Hello Cassandra, Thanks for posting. Don't worry about the timing of your posts compared to others. This is a go at your own pace course. There are new people buying and or starting the course every single day and no deadline to start or finish the course. So feel free to take your time on any and all assignments. There will always be freshly starting folks nearly every day that will see and benefit from anything you post or share. Thanks.
    • Judi
      Chirps: 1
      1)  Currently I am a teacher and very busy.  I want to begin nature journaling because I am outside so often and want to learn something new (sketching and water coloring).  I love making observations when I am out doors and would love to journal about them in a creative way. 2)  The approaches I would like to take are trying to make some kind of entry 2-3 times a week using pencil, pen, and water colors.
    • Kris
      Chirps: 1
      I am Kris from WA state.  I retired a few years ago from teaching special ed. preschool and have always loved to draw and watercolor. I have not always had time to pursue that interest however.  I usually draw from photos and so this class will challenge me to draw what I see in the natural world around me.  I did like Shayna's journal because she had some things that were consistent in it (boxes, date place etc.) but also was fluid in how she wrote, observed, media used and what she documented.  I have created some journals/books nature alphabet, colors and numbers as well as currently drawing/painting my memories of a Costa Rica trip.
    • Susan
      Chirps: 3
      Am a retired Special Education teacher and have taken up weaving small tapestries.  The tapestries have all been based on objects found on a beach, in the yard and in one case,  a bacteria as it looked under a microscope.    I saw this course and believe it will help me in my weaving by better understanding the shapes, colors, & contours in nature.  Appreciated the opportunity to see the various  journals.   Am a real amateur at drawing so think this will be a fun challenge.
    • Cathleen
      Chirps: 3
      Hi all.  My name is Cathy and I live in Wilson, Wyoming.  I am a bit late to the course.  Had some travel then WiFi issues.  I am very impressed with the number of posts! 1.  I was inspired to take this course because I am a landscape designer with very limited drawing skills.  I also have kept a written journal of my own natural surroundings to help track nature's schedule - weather, leaf changing and dropping, first snow, spring bulb appearances, etc.  Sketching would add so much to this record keeping!  I took a 3 day intro to drawing class last winter and sketched on a trip I took immediately after.  It was such a better way to record the trip than all the photos that stay on my phone! 2. A daily sketch would be an excellent goal, especially for the practice.  I'll have to see what is most realistic.  I also love the color.  Especially when tracking seasonal changes, so much can be conveyed with a little color.
    • Karen
      Chirps: 5
    • Greg and Donna
      Chirps: 3
      Not sure how to post drawing.  The bill proportion was most difficult for me.  And the smudging of the part pencil while drawing.  I usually use a very hard pencil. I used a #2 pencil and one can see the smudges.  7A0C2C31-3489-42B0-B3B0-E62B2AB3ED64
      • Greg and Donna
        Chirps: 3
        Yea me!  I figured out how to post my drawing.  I am a retired high school biology teacher and field biologist.  My son is very artistic and I have always wanted to draw and use water colors.  Just returned from Brazil and wish I had taken this course before traveling.
      • Greg and Donna
        Chirps: 3
        Yea me!  I figured out how to post my drawing.  I am a retired high school biology teacher and field biologist.  My son is very artistic and I have always wanted to draw and use water colors.  Just returned from Brazil and wish I had taken this course before traveling.however, I am sure I posted it in the wrong place.  Better luck next time.
      • Rachael
        Chirps: 1
        Nice first drawing!
    • Jeff
      Chirps: 2
      Hi everyone I’ve kept a travel and garden journal for several years but have never included sketches or watercolors in it. Nature journaling  sounded like a good way for me to slow down and take things in more as I go on hikes and visit gardens. I was inspired to take this course because I had recently dropped a course in woody plant identification because of my work schedule. I like having the structure of a course to get me started on a new topic. The online presentation if this course offered the opportunity to participate on my own schedule. And the preview videos helped seal the deal. I liked the overview of the various journaling styles. My main takeaways were to note the date, time and weather for each observation, and to ask questions about what I’m seeing to research later or maybe discover while I’m observing. I’m looking forward to working with water colors and learning to mix colors, since I have a reputation in my family for always ending up with brown when I try to mix colors on my own. Looking forward to the rest of the course!
    • Cynthia
      Chirps: 1
      Hello, my name is Cynthia Thomas from Evanston, Illinois. I am an amateur watercolorist & have been wanting to increase my motivation to paint & draw at home. I really enjoyed the examples of the journals, especially the ones done in the Galapagos, as I traveled there myself in 2014. In thinking about my journal, I will focus on autumn, which is just beginning to show color here in Illinois. Cynthia "Cindy" Thomas gracindaisy@comcast.net
    • Dorothy D
      Chirps: 21
      I am semi-retired and teach art to PreK-8th gr students and have always embraced science and nature in my lessons as I prefer to spend my free time outdoors no matter what the weather. I have painted/sketched inconsistently over the years on walks,hiking, camping over the years. I just have never had the time in my 30+ yrs to be disciplined enough to do it on a regular basis although I have always kept written trip journals and logbooks with photographs. I want to take the course to finally do something for ME and try to be better at this discipline. 2. For me,I like all of what the different journalers are doing but I know I would never have the time to do it daily with my current 3 day part time art teaching job--so maybe the monthly approach would be better? The geometric approach for drawing birds is something I "preach" to my students and for myself as shapes help so much in breaking down the drawing techniques. So many beginning students always start drawing without regard for proportion in my experience. 3.It might be nice to try a handbound journal in the future which allows for pockets or attached glassine envelopes for souvenirs (feathers, pressed  plants & flowers-if allowed). I know it was mentioned in another post for keepsakes like this?It has been great reading through everyone's background reasons and ideas for this course!