• Beverly
      Chirps: 1
      1. I was intrigued by this course because I often see beautiful bits of nature that I would like to remember and share with others. A camera just doesn't do the subject justice.  (How about an on-line course oin nature photography?) Using watercolors and sketching in the field -- actually sketching in general -- will be new skills. Maybe developing these new techniques will help capture the joy I find in these observations, and my excitement can be contagious. I wish everyone could slow down more often and grow their own sense of wonder (Rachel Carson had it right!)
    • I am incredibly inspired by everyone's stories!! I have never been a drawer/sketcher, and have wanted to try for many years, usually just watercolors during holidays with my children.  I love the idea of a record of nature when travelling, not just photo memories but things that take more time and effort.  Various groups in Michigan are working on bird habitat and the disappearance of species, and I really want to record our native species of flora and fauna before it is gone.
    • B
      Chirps: 1
      I was inspired by students at Ambleside schools who begin keeping a nature journal in Kindergarten and continue with roughly once a week entries through the eighth grade.  They use a dry brush watercolor technique to record images of both flora and fauna and each entry includes date and weather data. It’s fascinating to see the progression of both observational, color mixing, and brush stroke skills developed over time. Not only are these entries artful but they also catalogue a growing wealth of knowledge about the natural world.  I want to grow in those same ways. I am also inspired by the journalers in the video and am looking forward to utilizing Shayna’s zoom feature as well as Margaret’s artful date style.
    • Katherine
      Chirps: 1
      What inspired me?  I have spent a number of years turning my large backyard into a park-like setting - trees, shrubs, some flowers, a vegetable garden, and a variety of seating areas from which to enjoy my work.  A variety of animals pass through my yard - birds, insects, fox, raccoon, skunk - even though I am in the middle of a large metropolitan area.  Now I have time to really explore what's there!  My partner is an artist and has inspired me to try drawing - something I have been afraid of doing.  I have put my fears aside and I'm ready to really explore what's in my own backyard. What do I want to try?  What I learned from everyone is that their nature journal is their resource - yes, they might share it with others, but really it is there for their own use.  For me that is very freeing - I am not going to worry about the quality of my drawings or my writing, my journal is a place for me to explore and learn, I can't make mistakes.  I want to try pencil, ink and watercolor drawings; quick gesture drawings and more refined ones; writing factual information as well as stories, thoughts, questions.  I want to follow-up my journal work, by looking up more information on the plants and animals that I see.
    • Christine
      Chirps: 2
      I enjoy being outside and noticing what kind of day it will be every morning. I love the change of seasons as one blends into the next here in Pennsylvania. It's almost a relief to have new scenery. I love to write and observe nature. I am a very tentative artist and first have to overcome my fear of failure and lack of confidence that my drawings will not reflect what I observe. I am excited to have some new art supplies and a  journal to begin my learning. Thank you in advance, Liz, for taking us through this process step by step. Chris
      • Christine N.
        Chirps: 38
        Tentative is a great word to describe how we begin.......
    • Ellen
      Chirps: 1
      I took a Travel Journaling class a couple years ago & really enjoyed it...but gee, it's easy for me to get over committed with other things that all involve my left brain and sometimes I wonder if I have a right brain left!  This class will encourage me to plan time to observe, make notes, and sketch.  We planted a butterfly garden with Florida native plants and my husband built an incredible pergola with a solar shade.  Now that it's finally cooling off a bit, I want to sit under the pergola and draw plants, insects & butterflies. One journaler observed basic bird shapes & pointed out the circles & ovals in the birds.  Another person included swatches of color on the side of the page.  Several noted that it doesn't need to be perfect!  I also liked the speaker who used her field guide for a more in depth study of her natural world including ferns.  That's a great way to continue learning.
      • Christine N.
        Chirps: 38
        Agreed, it is time to engage my right brain again, as well.
    • Rose
      Chirps: 15
      Hi! 1. So I’ve always like to draw, took art in high school but didn’t do much with it while I was raising kids. So, about the past twenty years or so I’ve been dabbling in watercolor, my favorite medium. Growing up on a farm, I’ve always been a nature lover, with a particular interest in birds. Makes sense to put the two together, and here I am. Could have used this course several months ago as I got back a few weeks ago from a wilderness trip to the Boundary Waters in Minnesota. I did pack in a journal with some carefully selected ink/ watercolor pens, but as most of my time was spent paddling, I didn’t get to sketch /paint a whole lot. So I took notes and pictures and left space to add some drawings later. 2. I particularly love the last journaler. How I’d love to do a sketch every day! But my main issue is discipline. I have lots of paintings in my head that are still there. Part of the problem is that I am detail oriented and so I am really fussy about what I do. So my main hope with this course (and I was trying for this in the BW) is to learn to let go of that and be able to simplify things. I can always add detail later if I want, yes? I think doing a month of sketches on one page is a great idea. I am thinking that I will get a block of Arches watercolor paper and try for the same thing. I was also thinking it could be taken a step further and placed in a frame, changing it every month. You could also follow the same subject through the seasons, a certain tree, your garden, the options are only limited by what is around you. I’m really excited! Now if I can do and not just think.. 3. I know some will find this weird or disgusting, but after finding a dead bird I had thought it would be interesting to document the decay in a photo a day - which could be done as a drawing instead, if one had the discipline to do so. There are other less gruesome subjects that could be followed daily though, a mushroom or a flower for instance. Happy journaling!
    • Tom
      Chirps: 20
      Hi Artists- Glad to have discovered this course and this community.  I’m inspired (into ACTION) by the musings and dabbling of others, the celebration of PROCESS and the absolutely true adage that there is no wrong way to delve into something that beckons involvement.  I signed up for this course, also bought an incredible book someone recommended (“The Laws Guide to Nature Drawing and Journaling”) AND it all is happening during “Inktober2019” (check it out!) so it’s going to be a very draw-y month for me. I really enjoyed listening to the artists in the videos who shared their journals and thought process, and also all these comments from the community. NO shortage of inspiration, affirmation and very comforting to have the connection(s). THANKS! - Tom in Wauwatosa, WI
    • Jen
      Chirps: 2
      We are homeschoolers, and my son’s homeschooling last year incorporated nature journaling. I really enjoyed doing that with him, and as a birder, I decided I wanted to do more of it— but as someone who has never felt naturally artistic, it remained feeling a little intimidating to me. I also do a lot of nature photography, and I like the idea of trying a method of documenting my ramblings that involves a slower pace and allows for integrating the images and my thoughts together more in the moment. I definitely like integrating the images and the text. I don’t know how proficient I’ll become at the drawing aspect of this, but at the very least I hope to be able to focus on getting down important field marks, background environment, or zoomed in details in different drawings. My biggest challenge will be choosing ONE thing to focus on at a time. I see watercolors mentioned a lot, and I’d love to give them a try. I have a lot of different media at my disposal, and hopefully over time I’ll discover which are the most practical for me to carry in my field back and get my observations down in my journal!
    • Vanessa
      Chirps: 2
      I am new to nature journaling; I have journaled daily most of my adult life.  I am looking forward to the observation of the natural world and working to capture that on paper.  I love the combination of words and drawings on one page along with spaces for facts and questions - the idea that it doesn't have to be complete at one time appeals to me which is a bit counter to my perfectionist tendencies.  I see the course as an opportunity to be free, to experiment and allow the process to unfold.  I also want to work on my drawing and painting abilities.
    • Robin
      Chirps: 2
      I wanted a way to slow down and interact more thoughtfully with the natural world around me.  I want to try being less concerned with capturing an entire "picture" and more focussed on seeing the shapes, and details that will help with identification, but also with using the process as a way to more thoroughly understand what I'm seeing.  I'm inspired by other's journals to try adding in verbal description and thoughts to my visual journals.
    • Ka-wren
      Chirps: 2
      Over the past nine years, I have become disabled and have limited mobility.  My career was in IT, and I still spend many hours a day on computer-related volunteer activities.  To balance that, I have always done photography and, more recently, painting on my iPad in the ProCreate app.  When I saw this course advertised, I decided to take it in order to add another artistic endeavor to my repertoire, one that doesn't require that I walk great distances.  I found that photography greatly enhanced my observation skills and feel that creating a nature journal will bring those skills to another level.
    • Richard
      Chirps: 1
      I am very excited to begin the journal at the cottage this weekend (Thanksgiving in Canada) and already looking at my garden a little differently. I do spend time in the city as well and I am thinking that I might start a separate Urban Journal. Best to everybody.
    • Gail
      Chirps: 1
      I like the idea of learning about nature through sketching and writing together. The process requires you to slow down in order to think about and observe your surroundings. I expect to use a combination of the approaches.
    • Kim
      Chirps: 7
      • Kim
        Chirps: 7
        Oops!  I was so excited at having completed a drawing that I posted it in the wrong place.  Sorry!
      • Rose
        Chirps: 15
        Lovely! Like the idea of the gender symbol.
    • William
      Chirps: 10
      Sketching and drawing is something I have not done in many years.  Life got very busy and things that I used to do and enjoy, I did not  have time to do.  I have always enjoyed watching birds, particularly shore birds.  I am using this course to help me get back to one of the things that I enjoy. I have done journals on the job before and realize the importance of doing them.  I want to start a journal so I can do my sketching and record the details so they can be used later for my drawings.
    • Catherine
      Chirps: 7
      I have kept a written weather/nature notebook for years. Last year I started a homemade bird book from my photographs but found myself wanting to make more notes about their behaviour throughout the year, like chickadees making a nest in a dead apple tree in my yard. I tried small drawings but was frustrated by my lack of skill. I have learned some ideas from each of the journals shown. I like the zoom idea, trying different movements of the birds and simple use of colour. I am also learning a lot from the comments of my new classmates, thanks!
    • Kathy
      Chirps: 3
      What inspired me to begin nature journaling? An inner inclination to capture those things that capture me in written and illustrated form. The desire to improve my observation skills in every area of my life, but especially as a means to celebrate and enjoy the intricacies and marvels of creation. Observation requires a person to slow down, and slowing down is a spiritually, physically, emotionally and mentally healthy activity. And, finally, it makes my husband happy. He introduced me to this course.
    • Deborah
      Chirps: 1
      There is such a calming, healing, rejuvenating force experienced in being in nature and I know it is a place I want to incorporate into my daily life more.  My goals with nature journaling include spending extended amounts of time in a natural setting recording my experience in illustration and words to include not only description of what I observe, but also questions I have about what I've noticed, and how I feel/what I'm thinking. In addition, I want to improve my drawing skills as well as my use of watercolor. I like the technique of looking at the bigger picture, yet including a zoomed in version of something that is attractive/interesting to the eye. I am far more comfortable with words than drawing and see myself really putting time into the art component of my entries.
    • Anne
      Chirps: 5
      I've been wanting to start nature journaling for quite a while, but so far have spent more time looking at other's journals rather than making my own.  This class popped up in an email and decided to join in and build a practice of my own.  I love art and love the outdoors, so it's a perfect mix for me. I'm looking forward to trying a variety of styles and techniques to develop my own style!
    • Jessica
      Chirps: 10
      I was inspired to take this nature journaling class because I wanted to get back outside and notice the little things in nature. I used to do outdoor education, and I wanted to get back outside and learn more about the organisms in my community.
    • Valerie P Stevens
      Chirps: 13
      I am interested in doing a daily drawing and observation throughout the winter months.  I love to draw birds and hope to improve with practice.  I make ceramic tiles with birds, so I will include the rough sketches that I make for the tiles.
    • Dorothy
      Chirps: 4
      I've always been interested in Art and Nature, even as a child I collected stones, bits of moss, interesting rocks, and dried seed pods, pressed wildflowers, even snakeskins that were shed.  I kept a scrapbook then.  Now, I'm retired, and enjoy keeping a watercolor/pen and ink sketchbook.  I've recently learned about keeping a "perpetual" botanical journal, where you can keep and record different nature items on a weekly basis with a page per week.  So for an entire year you could  keep your items posted in one book, with a weekly spread on each page, sketching and recording something and marking the date next to it or simply the week at the top of the page. I think by doing it that way - for me - it wouldn't be overwhelming.  Whenever I have committed myself to sketch daily, life gets in the way and it is hard to maintain.
    • Pat
      Chirps: 12
      I am inspired by all the participants in the class.  I have been a long time observer with written journal entries. I have had a long experience working with participants in nature classes so I have a wealth of knowledge about living things.  It is hard for me to take a walk without naming plants, trees, birds and insects.  I think stopping to look closely at a few things in nature will refresh my perspective.  My goals include understanding how to sketch landscapes, learn to add color and I am hoping this will improve my photos, what to look for. I plan to learn something from my granddaughter ( 2 years old) on observing and experimenting. I decided to sketch a few acorns and collected some for Vida to notice.  She tried pulling the caps off . I wonder why but we did find many separated on the ground. Pat
      • Karen
        Chirps: 4
        Hi Pat,   When my granddaughter was two we also examined acorns.  At that time I tried to personalize what we were talking about.  I am attaching a sketch of that conversation.  The words are: Sarah holds acorns in her hand.  Some wear hats.  I also then wrote a poem about her. IMG_1209 (1)    
    • sondra
      Chirps: 21
      After retiring I wanted to get back to my first love which is art. I found many beautiful nature journals on Instagram and joined a group - #lgperpetualjournal led by Lara Gastinger that I started at the beginning of 2019. It was nice to see how  others lay out their journals and gave me some ideas.