The Cornell Lab Bird Academy Discussion Groups Bird Identification This is from Uruguay. size of a hummingbird. sorry for the leaf

    • dario
      Chirps: 6
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    • Annabeth
      Chirps: 107
      Some kind of warbler.
    • Elizabeth
      Bird Academy
      This looks like a female masked yellowthroat. Have you tried using Merlin Bird ID? It is a free app that identifies birds. There is even an option to identify birds from a photo, like this one.
    • dario
      Chirps: 6
      This is from Uruguay, it is the size of a hummingbird. I know that the peak cannot be appreciated (the problem arises there) but I think it can be estimated because you can see where it ends
      • David
        Chirps: 50
        Looks like a masked yellow throat to me a great picture though