Forum Role: Participant
Active Since: June 21, 2020
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Replies Created: 3

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Viewing 3 posts - 1 through 3 (of 3 total)
  • Ruth
    I decided to try watercolours in this class.  My husband bought me a set, which turns out to be the field sketch box we're using in the class.  Super excited - now I will be using coloured pencils and also watercolours. Yellow Warbler Watercolour
    in reply to: Jump Right in! #1006758
  • Ruth
    I enjoyed drawing from the photo.  I try and apply what I learned in Jane Kim' painting birds class.  It's hard to get all of the proportions right.  I always notice more when I draw - e.g. the shape of the beak and how it inserts into the head, the pattern of black, yellow and grey, the way the tan markings on the breast follow the contours of the bird, the exact shape of the eye, etc.  It could.  I think the thing with journaling is that when birds move, you have to sketch very quickly and you capture what you capture.  But having drawn from a photo could make me more attentive to aspects of the bird that I wouldn't even think about in a quick sketch without that prior reference. Yellow Warbler Sketch Jan 16 2024
    in reply to: Jump Right in! #1005586
  • Ruth
    I decided to try out my field journal on a recent trip to Mexico.  Many of my sketches were not exactly natural history - more about people and places - but some were.  I just rewatched this introduction to the course and I realize that anything goes.  Clearly, I am still finding my style, but I would say that this course kind of gave me permission to sketch anything and just give it all a try.  Also, I have some very unfinished sketches, which normally I wouldn't like but, here, it's all part of the process.  Here are a couple of examples: Field Sketch Dec 22 2023Field Sketch Dec 10 2023
Viewing 3 posts - 1 through 3 (of 3 total)