Forum Role: Participant
Active Since: April 18, 2020
Topics Started: 0
Replies Created: 1

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  • Geeta
    Staying safer in the mountains of North Carolina we have had fun getting to know the birds in our yard - old Friends like the Cardinal and Robin who both would be special if they weren't so common.  We have a pair of Phoebe's who have looked into every window trying to get in the house.  The ruby-throated hummingbird loved our irisis - now gone since they have gone.  We have a Scarlet tanager high in the trees, a red-winged Blackbird who passed by for a day only.  Our wood thrush came later than normal and I don't know if the brown-spotted belly bird was it or a brown thrasher.  We hear our palliated woodpecker back, but haven't seen him yet.  The wild turkeys come singularly or in groups.  Guess that covers - songbirds, woodpeckers, hummingbirds, chicken-like birds.  there have also been wrens and chickadees. My favorite is the Phoebe because it is hanging around and I can get to know it.
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