Forum Role: Participant
Active Since: April 21, 2020
Topics Started: 0
Replies Created: 1

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  • Klaudia
    Activity 1: I actually ended up reading all of the birds on the wall. Out of all the interesting plumage, mating displays, and nesting habitats I find myself drawn back to the Horned Lark simply because it looks like a bird supervillain. I also really enjoyed the dinosaur information because of how alien they look. Activity 2: I started amateur birding about two years ago, just looking up local birds out of curiosity. I'm in Ontario, Canada in the Greater Toronto Area. The following are my favourite birds found in my area from three categories discussed in this lesson: 1. chicken-like birds: the ruffed grouse 2. owls: eastern screech owl 3. songbirds: black-capped chickadee Activity 3: My favourite local bird has to be the Great Blue Heron. They're one of the most identifiable birds and are probably the first ones I did identify even before birding. I enjoy watching them in ponds or marshes, patiently stalking prey, or watching their distinct shape fly overhead. DSC_0026 DSC_0020 (Eastern Screech Owl; red morph variation. Known locally as Rufus but I named him Fred)
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