Forum Role: Participant
Active Since: May 30, 2023
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  • Audre
    1.I would suggest to the neighbor that human interference with native bird populations should truly be a last resort. If they are finding that songbirds are at a loss of suitable habitat and are being over-predated due to this, local conservation or restoration of the birds' habitat would be a great place to start. 2. I have seen Crows in various places across the US, they are welcome neighbors from Michigan to Washington. In the southeastern US I have seen more Fish Crows than American Crows. 3. I do not live near Ravens' habitat but I am always shocked by their large size when I travel into their range. 4. Crows are vital to the plants and animals across their habitat. Their caching behavior ensures a large spread of seedlings like Oaks, whose seeds otherwise do not travel far. Other birds may rely on the safety in numbers of Crows. Their large family size means there are more eyes (and noise) to alert surrounding species to predators and other danger. Crows are frequently seen hazing hawks and other raptors which momentarily allows for smaller animals to escape to safety. They are a keystone species that helps maintain equilibrium to their habitat.
    in reply to: What is a Crow? #1013943
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