Forum Role: Participant
Active Since: September 25, 2019
Topics Started: 0
Replies Created: 1

Forum Replies Created

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  • Marie
    1. I am interested in learning about the various birds that I see in my yard and when I go for a hike. Each week I pick a different type of bird and try to learn interesting facts about it. I then do a quick drawing of it using pencil and markers. This nature journaling  course seems like a wonderful way to inspire me to continue learning about birds and animals and nature itself. 2. I want to make sure that I include the date, the location and the weather on each entry that I make. I would like to be able to draw what I see and include various observations. I would like to be able to include details of plants and birds, etc. when possible. I like the "box" idea of helping to establish where and how large to draw, but having it a flexible box sounds like a fun way to draw.
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