Forum Role: Participant
Active Since: April 5, 2020
Topics Started: 0
Replies Created: 1

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  • Lesley
    In have always been intrigued with our feathered friends. I am happy to have discovered this course and am learning so much! Birds are Cool added a wow factor for me. For example, who knew there was a bird called the black-footed albatross that spends years flying above the ocean without touching down for possibly 5 years? Equally fascinating, is the idea that one side of the brain of the Common Swift might sleep so that the other side of the brain allows the bird to maintain its flight throughout the night. Of course the video on the new species of Bird of Paradise was entertaining. I think categorizing birds into subsets will help me to identify more quickly and accurately. My three birds are from sightings from my backyard near the north shore of Lake Erie. My first bird is a tree creeper. A white-breasted nuthatch. I knew it was a nuthatch but not distinctly a white-breasted. The second bird is a Carolina wren. I have sometimes confused it with a Sparrow but the distinct tipping upward of the tail is the give away. My last entry is a pair of pileated woodpeckers. Not difficult to identify but thrilling to see and hear.
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