Forum Role: Participant
Active Since: April 19, 2020
Topics Started: 0
Replies Created: 2

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Viewing 2 posts - 1 through 2 (of 2 total)
  • William
    Vicky, I love grackles! Their bright, golden yellow eyes, gleaming out of their glistening, black feathered cloaks, captivate their observers. They appear the embodiment of avian magicians. Their eyes, shiny and clear, knowledgeable, speak answers to questions. The ancient Roman augurs knew their clairvoyant abilities, acknowledged their mysteries when divining the sweeping rush of a grackle swarm against an azure blue sky. They possess magic! Augur,_Nordisk_familjebok[1]
  • William
    Instructive introduction into the fundamentals of birdwatching. Provides a solid foundation on which to build one's knowledge of birds, as a whole, and birdwatching techniques, in particular. Clearly written. Easy to understand. Enjoyable. Living by a large body of fresh water, lined with marshes and trees, riotously loud with birdsongs, now that spring has arrived, I find myself, often trying to distinguish, which bird song belongs to which bird. Already, the first module of this lesson has provided me with the tools to help me discover answers to my birdwatching questions. I now know, delightedly so, who are some of my avian neighbors; robins, blue jays, song sparrows, red winged blackbirds, common yellow throats, mourning doves, cardinals, red bellied woodpeckers, grackles, starlings, red tailed hawks, and, by the time I complete this course, I imagine I will recognize even more of the feathered residents who reside outside my windows. Thank you, Dr. McGowan.
Viewing 2 posts - 1 through 2 (of 2 total)