Forum Role: Participant
Active Since: April 19, 2020
Topics Started: 0
Replies Created: 1

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  • Mary
    Hi - I'm writing from Massachusetts where I have the great fortune to live near the town forest which has deep woodland and a river - all kinds of wildlife to see! Activity #1 - Wall of Birds - I could have voted up every bird - and plan to revisit the wall often. I started at the bottom of the leader board to choose a couple of birds that were of particular interest. I found the Toucan Barbet interesting because of the way the pair sing with other - though not beautiful music I enjoyed the clicking that the female makes to accompany her mate - she is the percussionist! I also voted up the Egyptian Plover - of interest for the way the adults wet their underside and then lay over the sand that their chicks are buried in to keep them cool in the heat of the day - bird HVAC if you will! Activity#2 - Birds from different groups - I am very new at identifying birds so my choices are commonly known and found. For songbirds I have a Carolina Wren - a pair have nested in various structures at our house the last few years - this year it is in a basket on the wall of the house near the front door. second - Waterfowl group - We saw what I believe are Ring-Necked Ducks in a nearby conservation area as well as Mute Swans, mallards, and canvas back ducks. And third - in the raptor group what I think is a red-tailed hawk that has taken to hanging out over our yard (which is full of chipmunks, squirrels and song birds). fullsizeoutput_1068P1030163fullsizeoutput_154b Activity #3 - My favorite local bird is one I haven't actually seen - it is the Wood Thrush in the town forest - we often walk into the early evening and we are sometimes fortunate to hear its most beautiful melodious and ethereal song.
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