Forum Role: Participant
Active Since: April 20, 2020
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Replies Created: 1

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  • Becky
    Activity 1: I found myself first clicking on the birds I already know and like - the Great Blue Heron, Barn Owl, Wood Duck... then i clicked on a few outside of my knowledge - and of course clicked the heart on all! :)  I like raptors and so clicked on the black and white hawk eagle - a type of hawk that I didn't know existed.  It's call was much more high pitched than I expected compared with a bald eagle or hawks that live around here.  I also found the saddle-billed stork interesting  - it is such a large bird and has striking colors on the bill - yellow, orange, and black that are repeated on the legs.  It's very different from the herons and egrets I see here. Activity 2:  The three types of birds I've seen recently that fall into different groups - Eastern Bluebird is a frequent visitor to my backyard and has such a pretty shade of blue. Great blue heron - I saw one flying over the other night on its way to a pond or a nearby lake.  The way it flies with big flaps/ swoops of its wings is so distinctive.  The other bird from a 3rd category is a wood duck.   Their colors are so vibrant and the call different from other ducks.  We have a few that visit nearby ponds. Activity 3:  I have a couple favorite birds.  There are a pair of nesting barn owls and their young living on the balcony outside my bedroom. This is the 2nd spring they have raised their young on our balcony.  It is quite a joy to clean up after they have all left!   The attached picture was one I took last spring. I opened the door quietly and smoothly trying to get a clear picture and not startle it.  As soon as I had my phone up, it cocked its head and looked straight at me.  It certainly made my heart beat up, and i know they can be quite ferocious in protecting their young.  The chicks are quite noisy in the middle of the night while being fed.  Once in a while, one of the adults tries to either perch on the edge of the window in the door or tries to come through the window at me - it flaps its wings and flies "into" the window for several seconds before finding a place to perch. I'm so excited to join this course and learn more!20190412_201255
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