Forum Role: Participant
Active Since: April 23, 2020
Topics Started: 0
Replies Created: 2

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  • Megan
    Activity 1: Red-breasted Nuthatch: small with no neck, head forward and pointed beak, short legs and shortish tail. Lesser Goldfinch: Small, with delicate, upright head, short & stubby beak, med long legs, small body with med length tail. Activity 2: All 3 of these birds are similar in appearance and color. Female House Finch: muted stripes brown & white chest,  and plain grey brown on head and body. Golden-crowned Sparrow: solid grayish chest, distinctive black and yellow striped crown, darkish brown wings with some white & gray. White-crowned Sparrow: almost indistinguishable from the Golden-crowned Sparrow, except the crown is white and black striped. Activity 3: California Towhee: hops within low bushes and among leaves & brush on the ground. California Scrub-Jay: picks bees outside hive, suet from feeder, seems to noisily survey many locations from perches on trees then swoops in to pick food. Anna's Hummingbird: Darts to hummingbird feeder, and flowers, then zips up in the air or away to a perch. Activity 4: Great Egret: found near wetlands and brackish water. Often standing still in shallow water. Long, sharp yellow bill, winding long neck. Black legs and feet & large, white body. Flies with neck tucked in and feet extending straight behind body. Stands still waiting for prey and stabs it in a quick motion.
  • Megan
    Outside my kitchen window (in Northern California), I have a birdfeeder which attracts different types of songbirds: sparrows, finches: house finch & lesser goldfinches, and a tree creeper: the red-breasted nuthatch. I also see house wrens and oak titmice and wonder which category(ies) of songbird these would fall under?
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