Forum Role: Participant
Active Since: April 28, 2020
Topics Started: 0
Replies Created: 1

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  • Paivi
    Hello Fellow Birders: I have always loved nature but did not get into bird watching until about two years ago when my husband and I moved to San Antonio, Texas. We have about an acre in the back, fenced and with lots of old oaks and elms. I first noticed the Northern cardinals since I had not seen them before, and they are so striking, as we all know. But what really got me interested is when a Carolina wren couple decided to build their nest in a hanging flower basket right outside one of the doors to our back patio.  I watched them build the nest, hatch the eggs, feed the li'l ones and then, finally, watched the four chicks take their first flight. They hung around for some time longer so I also saw them grow. I felt like a grandmother! Since then the  Carolina wren has been my absolute favorite bird. Signing up for this course is my first step into becoming a more serious birder. I have a few identification guides and a pair of binoculars that I have been using these last two years. So far, I have managed to identify about 50 species just in my backyard! But learning more about birds is an exciting prospect. And sharing with y'all online is a great way to start since we are now limited in our interactions in the outside world. Paivi
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