Forum Role: Participant
Active Since: July 11, 2020
Topics Started: 0
Replies Created: 1

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  • Alena
    Activity 1 is incredible, I enjoyed the ancestors of modern birds as well as seeing the variety of birds on the world map. My interest in birding started with a call that I’ve never heard before and then later a siting of an owl. I spent 3 months trying to ID the owl searching owls calls on internet and reading everything about different owls. Turns out it was a northern hawk owl that is extremely uncommon in WI. Activity 2 I loved being able to take the knowledge from the lesson and apply it to my backyard visitors. Mostly songbirds and hummingbirds, but once in a while a surprise rolls in like a flock of wood ducks that were just as scared of me as I was of them 😄 Activity 3 I can’t post a picture but my favorite bird is a house wren. They sing so pretty and are quite entertaining to watch. The fact that male picks several spots for a nest and a lady makes a final choice is cute, what a gentleman.
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