Forum Role: Participant
Active Since: June 10, 2023
Topics Started: 0
Replies Created: 1

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  • Lea
    The ospreys are captivating, from the time they arrive in late winter, until the time they migrate in the fall for their clear, piercing call, their skill at catching fish, their honor for not stealing from others, their deft flying maneuvers when defending their nest, their loyalty and dedication to their nest and their mate. Looking up at them in the nest, guarding or feeding young in the hot summer makes me wonder at all the conditions they endure and inspires images of them flying over the dynamic sea during migration, in the dark of night, the glow of sunrise, navigating gales and pelting rains. The mockingbird is so entertaining with the quickly changing sequence of phrases, delivered faster than I can identify them. It is remarkable and even kind of funny when the long diverse clear melody is suddenly interrupted by the brash, raspy imitation of a blue jay alarm call, so different from the rest of the songs! The eastern towhee announces its arrival with such a bright and innocent confidence that also just evokes joy. Its way of bouncing around goes with the clear, upward call and happy posture.
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