Forum Role: Participant
Active Since: September 29, 2019
Topics Started: 0
Replies Created: 1

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  • Laurie
    1. I was inspired to begin nature journaling because I have been avoiding doing any art for a while, and wanted a way to do more without the pressure of “producing” a finished product. I also wanted something that would get me outside more and spend more time bird watching and walking around, plus have an “excuse” to sit down somewhere and learn to see nature more completely. 2. I love the “boxing” techniques, and mixing images and words on a page to create a unified experience. I like lots of images, not an attempt to do a single “picture” on a page, but still finding a balance between color and white space, words and images, and media. I like the non-linearity of reading such a page or journal. I’m also encouraged by the artists who let their journaling style evolve, which is what I would like to do instead of trying to emulate one of the other journals. I also like the idea of the journal being a way to capture an experience without depending entirely on words. I was a professional writer for my career but am not writing much anymore, so I like the idea of leaning more on images for memories. 3. I would like to be more intentional about combining images from nature (birds, leaves, etc.) with the geometries or patterns that can represent them. I like the artist below who wants to try combining abstract and “realistic” images, although I don’t have much experience with abstract images. I would like to find the patterns in nature like spirals, fractals, and other repetitive mathematical patterns which appear in nature.
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