Forum Role: Participant
Active Since: August 29, 2023
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  • Cass
    1. I would remind them that crows are songbirds themselves (most people don't seem to know they're passerines!) and that other animals like snakes and squirrels are more likely to be nest predators. But I also like snakes and squirrels! Life is messy and there are a lot of niches animals have evolved into. Crows are great generalists. 3. Although that map doesn't show it, ravens have recently moved into my area and are spreading into the eastern US, not just the mountains, where I used to have to travel to see them. It's been wonderful! Last January, a raven was even eating a mouse on top of a telephone poll next to my building! This June I finally found out where the neighborhood ravens live and there are at least four of them, probably a family. Sound is the easiest way to distinguish, but if they're quiet than size, gliding, diamond tails, and large bills are how I recognize the ravens. But where I live, we have tons of Fish Crows and they look very similar to American Crows. They're a bit smaller and sleeker, but it's hard to tell them apart except by voice. Fish crows have a much more nasally caw. Fish Crows seem to be more common in summer and American Crows in winter, probably due to the latter migrating to the city from colder areas.
    in reply to: What is a Crow? #979243
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