Forum Role: Participant
Active Since: February 18, 2022
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Replies Created: 1

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  • Lori
    At the hop through feeder, we get Dark-eyed Juncos, House Finches, three types of jays, Spotted Towhee, and two types of chickadees with an occasional visit from Wild Turkeys.  The Stellar’s Jay and juncos prefer the ground, but will go to the feeder.  All clear out when the turkeys come. The chickadees flit in, grab one seed then go off to either hide it or occasionally go to a branch to use as they pry the seed open. The chickadees prefer to come when it isn’t crowded. The Spotted Towhee also prefers the ground (hopping forward and backward under the scub oak or juniper bushes) but usually hangs out in the hop through because there isn’t ready ground cover to hop under. Other birds give the towhee the whole feeder when it arrives. The House Finches gather as a group and linger. They spend time finding the sunflower seed they prefer then hold it in their mouth until it cracks open. There are a couple females that chase off other species her size from the feeder, like the juncos.  But, there is a slate Dark-eyed Junco that holds its own. The house finches also spend time on the ground with the juncos.  What has surprised me is that a few juncos have been working on the suet. It isn’t a graceful process with fluttering of wings to keep balance. They give way to the Downy Woodpecker, who gives way to the Scrub Jay, who gives way to the Northern Flicker. The Red-Breasted Nuthatch comes to the suet when no one else is around.  Takes a couple pecks then drops down to the water bath and takes a drink before going back to the suet.  The highest activity seems to happen late morning around 10:30.
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