Forum Role: Participant
Active Since: May 7, 2022
Topics Started: 0
Replies Created: 2

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  • Stephanie
    For Christmas a couple of years ago, our family collaborated on providing an "adventure backpack" for my child. We provided the backpack, and everyone chipped in with additional presents. Grandparents provided binoculars and a magnifying glass. an aunt gave bird and plant identification. A family member who used to be a paramedic provided a small first aid kit. It was a memorable gift. Before we venture out into nature, my son packs his bag from his supplies depending on where we plan to go.
  • Stephanie
    I grew up in Anchorage, Alaska. Being outdoors was really important to my parents. I remember going backpacking as a family and settling in to our tent for the night surrounding by total quiet except for the sounds of nature. I remember our excitement at the moose who would come into our yard to try to eat from our garden. I have a vivid memory of climbing a tree and discovering an abandoned bird's nest at the very top. In my surprise, I almost let go of the tree! It was like finding a hidden treasure that nobody else knew about.
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